変則のファンタジー_日本版Anomalous Fantasy_Japan Version
サイレン・チョン・ウニョン[ソウル]siren eun young jung [Seoul]
- KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 ホールKAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre, Hall
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町281Map281 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama 231-0023 Map
- 2.17 Sat 16:00
- 2.18 Sun 15:30
- 上演時間Run Time 60 min
*ポストパフォーマンス・トークあり(2.17 Sat)
*関連上映『ウィークエンズ』あり(2.18 Sun 12:00)
*Post-performance talk held on 2.17 Sat
*Related screening of Weekends at 12:00 on 2.18 Sun
プロフェッショナル ¥1,500/関連上映 ¥0
オーディエンス ¥3,000(2018.1.13発売)/関連上映 ¥500(当日)
Professional ¥1,500 / related screening ¥0
Audience ¥3,000 (sales start on 2018.1.13) / related screening ¥500 (at door)
- 韓国語・日本語(日本語・英語字幕)Korean and Japanese (subtitled in Japanese and English)
制作協力:特定非営利活動法人 東京レインボープライド、特定非営利活動法人 ぷれいす東京
Yeoseong Gukgeuk is a Korean musical theatre form once flourished and rapidly declined, where women would play all the roles. One day, a woman in her 30s suddenly abandoned her ordinary life to become a Yeoseong Gukgeuk male-role performer. What is created from the friction between the genre that has almost disappeared and the performer-to-be who has sacrificed her life for the genre? When inaudible murmurings become manifestoes and the experiences of invisible existences become histories, songs are heard. The third version after Korea and Taiwan versions.
*Related screening of Weekends (98min, 2016), a documentary of G-voice, a gay choir group that performed in the Korea Version of Anomalous Fantasy (2016) is held in the same venue at 12:00 on February 18.
The 66th Berlin International Film Festival Panoroma Audience Award – Panorama Dokumente
Director: Dong Ha Lee
Production Company: Korean Gay Men’s Human Rights Group Chingusai, Bandal.
サイレン・チョン・ウニョンsiren eun young jung
フェミニズム美術の言語の拡張に挑み、個人の情動が介入するポリティカルかつ歴史的な瞬間に興味を持っている。女性役者のみで行なわれるヨソン・グック(女性国劇)の歴史やそのコミュニティを追う「女性国劇プロジェクト」を10年間展開しながら、展示、舞台、上映、研究、執筆など、幅広い範囲で活動している。その集大成となる本『Trans-Theatre』を2015年に発行。パフォーマンスでは『(オフ)ステージ』『マスタークラス』『私は歌わない』(I am not going to sing)『変則のファンタジー』などの作品を発表している。
siren eun young jung has been trying to expand the language of feminist art and interested in political and historical moments when personal affect interferes. Developing “Yeoseong Gukgeuk Project” that explores the history and community of the Korean all-female musical theatre, she has been working across exhibition, performance, screening, research and writing. Trans-Theatre, a book that compiles these activities, was published in 2015. Among her performance works are (Off)Stage, Masterclass, I am not going to sing and Anomalous Fantasy.