どさくさdosakusa re-play
劇団あはひgekidan awai
- 下北沢本多劇場Shimokitazawa Honda Theater
- 〒155-0031 東京都世田谷区北沢2-10-15Map2-10-15 Kitasawa, Setagaya, Tokyo 155-0031Map
2.12 Wed 19:00 2.13 Thu 19:00 2.14 Fri 19:00 2.15 Sat 14:30 2.16 Sun 14:30 上演時間Run Time 90分90 min 各回終演後アフタートークを実施予定。詳細は劇団HPにて発表。
2.12 Wed 19:00 2.13 Thu 19:00 2.14 Fri 19:00 2.15 Sat 14:30 2.16 Sun 14:30 上演時間Run Time 90分90 min Post-talk is held after each performance. Details will be announced on the company's website.
AudienceAdv General¥3,500
Door General¥4,000
Adv Student¥1,500
Door Student¥2,000
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
- 日本語(英語資料配布)Japanese (English synopsis provided)
「抱かれているのは確かに俺だが、抱いてる俺は一体誰だろう?」 落語『粗忽長屋』を題材に、演技する身体を捉え直す試み。シチュエーションコメディのような、或いは不条理劇のような展開は、次第に落語に接近していく。舞台上で役を演じる彼らは、一体何者だろうか。
“If this guy I’m holding is me, then who am I?” Attempts to reexplore the actors’ bodies while featuring Rakugo “Sokotsunagaya.” Through events of situation comedy and Theatre of Absurd, the play makes an approach to Rakugo gradationally. Who could be the ones which are portraying themselves on the stage?
劇団あはひgekidan awai
Launched in June 2018. Our creations are based on classical works, for instance, Japanese traditional performing arts such as Rakugo and Noh. In March 2019, the second play, “Nagareru – From Noh ‘Sumida-gawa’”, won the Grand Prix at the “Corich Performing Arts Festival! Spring 2019”. Our fourth play will be performed at Shimokitazawa Honda Theater as the youngest theatrical group in the history of the theater.