あなたはわたしのなんなの?What Are You To Me?

フィジカルシアターカンパニー GEROPhysical Theatre Company GERO

〒221-0044 横浜市神奈川区東神奈川1-10-1Map1-10-1 Higashi-Kanagawa, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221-0044Map
2.12 Tue 20:00
2.13 Wed 20:00
2.14 Thu 20:00
上演時間Run Time 45分45 min
2.12 Tue 20:00
2.13 Wed 20:00
2.14 Thu 20:00
上演時間Run Time 45分45 min


Organized by Physical Theatre Company GERO
Co-organized by KANACK-HALL
Endorsed by Kanagawa-ku


Inspired by Czech director Jan Švankmajer's animated short film Dimensions of Dialogue, this piece explores futile relationships between human beings through GERO's unique methodology of "creating a musical performance of words by playing the body as an instrument." This performance uses the stage, the seating area, and even the foyer of the performance hall, and so the words performers speak fly back and forth across the entire performance space. Their words become soliloquies, debates, and choral song. An omnibus showcase performance, including performers who joined as workshop participants.

フィジカルシアターカンパニー GEROPhysical Theatre Company GERO



GERO is the new company of Kim Itoh, who had led the dance company The Glorious Future. Focusing on live bodies, communication, and documentary elements as key performance themes, GERO performs a close examination of humanity itself that is simultaneously visceral and detached, aiming to create works that contain Kim Itoh's unique style of humor and incisive cynicism. Company members include both actors and dancers, and vocalist Takashi Matsudaira serves as an advisor. With this diverse membership, GERO strives to create performances where language and voice are key elements.
