プログラミングのポリティクス:パティシペーションPolitics of Programming: Participation
パネル3 – パーソナルからポリティカルへ:大衆の力(シモーナ・レヴィ[バルセロナ]、ウン・セクサン[クアラルンプール])Panel 3 – From the Personal to Political: Empowering the Public (Simona Levi [Barcelona], Ng Seksan [Kuala Lumpur])
- BankART Studio NYK 2B GalleryBankART Studio NYK 2B Gallery
- 〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9Map3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002Map
- 2.11 Sun 17:30 - 19:00
- 上演時間Run Time
プロフェッショナル ¥0(予約不要)
オーディエンス ¥1,000(当日、パネル1〜3通して有効)
Professional ¥0 (reservation not required)
Audience ¥1,000 (at door, valid for the panels 1-3)
アーティスト/カンパニーとして様々なフェスティバルにプログラムされると、そこで別のグループの関心事に参加しているような感覚を持つことがよくあります。私たちはその一瞬、招かれた演者から参照点、伝達者へと変容します。しかし、その感覚は長くは続かず、フェスティバルに自分たちが参加しているということ自体のインパクトを意識することはあまりありません。芸術が人々や社会に「対して」与えるインパクトについてはよく議論されていますが、芸術のインパクトを人々の想像力の「中に」見出すことはできないでしょうか? ここでは、人々の参加が重要な役割を担っているようなタイプのプロジェクトの例に目を向け、それらが望ましい変化にどう貢献し得るかを考えてみたいと思います。
When we (artist / art groups) get programmed at different festivals, we often feel we participate in the concerns of other groups for a moment. We turn from being invited acts, to reference points, to communicators. This however, feels fleeting and we often are not conscious about the impact of our participation in a festival. Considering then how the impact of art on people / society is often debated, can we encourage art’s impact to be visible in the public’s imagination? I would like to consider project examples where public participation is significantly present, and how these projects may work towards a desired change.
シモーナ・レヴィ(汚職防止活動家/演出家)Simona Levi (Anti-Corruption Activist / Theatre Director)
Simona Levi is a theatre director, playwright, technopolitical strategist, cultural manager and curator, multidisciplinary artist, researcher, reporter, teacher and founder of Xnet and 15MpaRato, based in Barcelona. She is an activist focused on free culture, digital democracy and technopolitics . Simona is also the founder of projects like Xnet and 15MpaRato, which led to the trial of the chief executives of Bankia — the fifth bank in Spain. Levi organises platforms in order to bring corruption to light and to unmask those who are politically responsible for the economic injustices. Simona Levi is co-author of several books and since 2017, she has designed and directed the UPF master degree programme “Civil Rights, Technopolitics and Digital Culture.”

ウン・セクサン(風景建築家)Ng Seksan (Landscape Architect)
Ng Seksan is a trouble-maker, cyclist and gardener. After 30 years working in the corporate building industry he now trying to build hope instead by creating self help projects to effect change using volunteers and funded by crowd sourcing.