Grzegorz Jarzyna and TR Warszawa Theatre Company: audiovisual panorama|A. “G.E.N VR” World premiere of 360 performance (2018)|Film Screening and Lectures B. “No Matter How Hard We Tried” (2015)|C. “Tropical Craze” (1999) - the beginning of new Polish Theatre. Grzegorz Jarzyna and TR Warszawa Theatre Company: audiovisual panorama|A. “G.E.N VR” World premiere of 360 performance (2018)|Film Screening and Lectures B. “No Matter How Hard We Tried” (2015)|C. “Tropical Craze” (1999) - the beginning of new Polish Theatre.
Grzegorz Jarzyna Grzegorz Jarzyna & TR Warzawa
- mass×mass 関内フューチャーセンター(A) mass×mass Kannai Future Center(A)
- 〒231-0003 横浜市中区北仲通3-33Map3-33 Kitanaka-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0003Map
- BankART Studio NYK 201 Gallery (B & C)BankART Studio NYK 201 Gallery (B & C)
- 〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9Map3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002Map
- 2.13 Tue 16:30 - B
- 2.14 Wed 15:00 - A / 21:30 - A
- 2.15 Thu 11:00 - A / 16:30 - C
- 上演時間Run Time
*注意:A. “G.E.N VR” は鑑賞者を不快にさせる内容を含んでいる可能性があります。
**2月14日18:00 A『G.E.N 360』開演時間変更のお知らせ
2月14日18:00 A『G.E.N 360』は、以下の通り開演時間が変更いたしました。
There will be Q&A session after each program
*A. “G.E.N VR” contains nudity that some may find unpleasant.
**Announcement: Change of Opening Time for A "G.E.N 360"
Opening time of A "G.E.N 360" at 18:00 on Feb 14 has been changed as follows:
Before the change: 2.14 Wed 18:00
After the change: 2.14 Wed 21:30
A 前売・当日 一般 各¥1,500
B・C 一般 無料
A. Adv & Door General ¥1,500
B・C. Free
Adv & Door General ¥1,500 each
TPAM Registrant Benefit: Free
*The number of seat is limited.
TR Warszawaはそのシネマティックな特徴を、演劇、映画、新しいテクノロジーの言語と融合した前衛的でハイブリッドなオーディオ・ビジュアル形式を通して紹介します。Grzegorz Jarzynaによる『G.E.R VR』(世界初演)のパフォーマンスや、TR Warszawaのレパートリー作品(『The Tropical Craze』と『No Matter How Hard We Tried』)のテレビ・映画版上映後、 ポーランド演劇の現在地と新しい動向に関する質疑応答を行います。
共催:Adam Mickiewicz Institute / Culture
TR Warszawa will present its cinematic character, through avangarde, hybride, audiovisual forms merging the languages of the theatre, film and new technologies. The international premiere of G.E.N VR performance by Grzegorz Jarzyna, will be completed by the screenings of TV Theatre productions and the movie adaptation from the TR repertoire (The Tropical Craze and No Matter How Hard We Tried), followed by Q&A sessions about contemporary state of Polish theatre and its emerging trends.
A. "G.E.N VR"
G.E.N is a story about an alternative community whose members contest reality so as to use provocations to change the system based on fear, manipulation and enslavement of individuals. While attempting to destabilise the system, they destroy their own community. Is it possible to log out from a reality that does not work? The 360 version of the play is the first production of its kind. The edition of the original recording of the performance has been upgraded with the special effects to create a unique theatre and movie experience for each individual spectator.
B. "No Matter How Hard We Tried" (2015)
A film adaptation of the play by Dorota Masłowska that was directed by Grzegorz Jarzyna on stage at TR Warszawa in 2009, where it enjoyed a huge success. The acclaimed film adaptation from 2015 is an avangarde, hybride form merging the languages of the theatre, film and animation. The Lecture following the screening will concern the contemporary trends in Polish Theatre and the new directions in TR Warszawa programming.
C. "The Tropical Craze" (1999)
The Tropical Craze” by Grzegorz Jarzyna premiered in 1997 on a small Warsaw stage called Teatr Rozmaitości. The premiere of the performance was a milestone in the history of Polish Contemporary Theatre. Krystian Lupa commented it: Concurrently, we reached the end of the 20th century with a feeling of strangeness of existence and narcotic escape into fiction and the fact went almost unnoticed. The Screening from the TV Theatre archive (TVP), be followed by the discussion about the marking points for the contemporary stage of Polish Theatre.
Co-organized by Adam Mickiewicz Institute / Culture
Grzegorz JarzynaGrzegorz Jarzyna
『4.48 Psychosis』(2007)、『マクベス』(2008)、『No Matter How Hard We Tried』(2010)、『Martyrs』(2015)、また中国のプロデューサーから委託された『Two Swords』(2018)などの演出で知られるポーランド演劇の中でも最も有名なディレクター、作家の一人。『The Tropical Craze』のデビューで高い評価を得た一年後の1998年、TR Warszawaの芸術監督に就任。以来、ヨーロッパで重要かつ有名な現代舞台であるTR Warszawaの演劇を変え続けています。
One of the most popular Polish theatre directors and authors known from his interpretations of 4.48 Psychosis (2007), Macbeth (2008), No Matter How Hard We Tried (2010), and Martyrs (2015), or Two Swords commissioned (2018) by Chinese producers. In 1998, a year after his critically acclaimed debut of The Tropical Craze, he became the artistic director of Teatr Rozmaitości. Since that time he transformed the theatre in TR Warszawa, one of the most important and well known contemporary stages in Europe.