Synesensory Embodiment Project ワークインプログレス公演Synesensory Embodiment Project, Work in Progress Performance
梅田宏明 × 東京藝術大学Hiroaki Umeda × Tokyo University of the Arts
- 東京藝術大学 Arts & Science LAB. 4階 球形ホールArts & Science LAB. Sphere Hall, Tokyo University of the Arts
- 〒110-8714 東京都台東区上野公園12-8Map12-8 Ueno Park, Daito-ku, Tokyo 110-8714Map
- 2.15 Thu 15:00 / 19:00
- 2.16 Fri 15:00
- 上演時間Run Time 60 min
TPAM Registrant Benefit: Free (Reservation required)
2016年に開始した、振付家・ダンサーの梅田宏明と東京藝術大学 Arts & Science LAB.によるプロジェクト。昨年度に引き続き、Arts & Science LAB.内の球形ホールの特長を生かした新作制作に向け、リサーチとクリエーションが行われている。今回はその途中経過をワークインプログレスの形で公開する。
This collaboration project with choreographer/dancer Hiroaki Umeda and Arts & Science LAB. in Tokyo University of the Arts commenced in 2016. Since its launch, research and creation have been taken place to develop a new work fully utilising the facilities of semi-spherical hall in the Lab. The performance will present two works in progress to show the process of this collaboration project.
More information / Contact
梅田宏明Hiroaki Umeda
2002年発表の『while going to a condition』がフランス他世界各地に招聘され、以後、パリのシャイヨー国立劇場共同制作『Accumulated Layout』や、YCAM共同制作作品『Holistic Strata』などを各国で上演。ヨーテボリ・オペラ・ダンスカンパニー、L.A. Dance Projectなどに委託振付作品を提供。
Hiroaki Umeda is a choreographer and a multidisciplinary artist recognised as one of the leading figures of the Japanese avant-garde art scene. Since the launch of his company S20, his subtle yet violent works such as Accumulated Layout (2008) and Holistic Strata (2011) have toured around the world. In 2009 Umeda commenced a choreographic project ’Superkinesis’ and started working with dancers of distinct physical backgrounds. Through this project he choreographed for companies such as GötenborgsOperans Danskompani and L.A Dance Project.