search and destroysearch and destroy
- 花まる学習会王子小劇場Hanamaru Group Oji Small Theatre
- 〒114-0002 東京都北区王子1-14-4 B1FMapB1F, 1-14-4 Oji, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0002Map
- 2.17 Sat 15:00 / 19:00
- 2.18 Sun 11:00 / 15:00
- 上演時間Run Time 75 min
前売 一般 ¥2,800
当日 一般 ¥3,300
早割 ¥2,500(2018年1月31日まで予約)
25歳未満 ¥2,000(前売当日ともに。要証明)
高校生以下 ¥1,000(前売当日ともに。要証明)
Adv General ¥2,800
Door General ¥3,300
Early bird discount ¥2,500 (Reservations by Jan 31, 2018)
Adv & Door U-25 ¥2,000 *ID required.
Adv & Door High school and below ¥1,000 *ID required.
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥2,500
- 日本語Japanese
I've been thinking about "sharing" recently (or maybe for a long time). Locations. Past, present, and future. Things with form, and formless things. Thoughts and feelings. The self, and the other. I've been having idle thoughts about all of that being shared as information, about sharing it all. And also about maybe not being able to share anything. I'm going to take my jumble of positive and negative feelings about all that, and make theater.
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Based in Osaka. Combines everyday bodies and linguistic excess with a sense of theatrical playfulness. Creates performance spaces that enable the audience to not only watch and listen to a theatrical spectacle, but also to exist as part of it. Every aspect of un-nama's creative process is in pursuit of communication with the audience. Critics have described their performance style as "a new genre, unlike anything else," "new music," and "a combination of modernity and theatrical vulgarity."