シルクロード能楽会SilkRoad Noh Theatre
- 長者スタジオChoja Studio
- 〒231-0033 横浜市中区長者町2-5-4-204Map2-5-4-204 Choja-machi, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0033Map
- 2.11 Sun 15:00
- 2.12 Mon 19:00
- 上演時間Run Time 60 min
前売 ¥2,000
当日 ¥2,500
Adv ¥2,000
Door ¥2,500
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,000 discount
遠い昔、遥か中東の王国でサロメ姫は預言者ヨカナーンに恋をするがその想いは叶わず、ヨカナーンは斬首され、その首に口づけしたサロメも処刑される。二人の魂はその後も現世を彷徨っていた。現代の横浜に一人の僧が現れる。井戸の底からは夜毎に怪しい言霊が。永遠の愛をテーマに横浜に伝わる民話と、沙櫓女(サロメ) の世界が交錯する。能をベースにアジア中東の技芸が融合するシルクロード能楽会渾身の傑作。
Long ago, in a far away Middle Eastern kingdom, Princess Salome fell in love with the prophet Jokanaan. After refusing her advances, Jokanaan is beheaded. Salome is also put to death for kissing his decapitated head. Ever since, their two souls continued to roam this world. In modern day Yokohama, a monk appears. Every night, a ghostly voice emerges from a well. A local Yokohama folktale becomes entwined with the world of Salome, expressing the theme of eternal love. A masterpiece of the SilkRoad Noh Theatre, music and dance of the whole Asia from east to west fused based on Noh.
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シルクロード能楽会SilkRoad Noh Theatre
700 years ago, countless performing arts techniques from throughout Asia arrived in Japan via the Silk Road. Kanami (the father of Zeami) remixed these to create his own avant-garde theater, now known as Noh. Inspired by Kanami, the iconoclastic Noh creator Imai Jinya formed the SilkRoad Noh Theater by assembling artists specializing in Asian and Middle Eastern music and performance traditions. SilkRoad Noh Theater deconstructs Noh, creating a genre crossing world of music, dance, and storytelling that transcends eras and national borders.