舞台芸術制作者オープンネットワーク(ON-PAM)Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM)
- BankART Studio NYK, 2B Gallery / LibraryBankART Studio NYK, 2B Gallery / Library
- 〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9Map3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002Map
- 2.15 Thu 12:30 - 16:30
- 2.16 Fri 11:00 - 16:00
- 上演時間Run Time
シンポジウム ¥500(ON-PAM会員、TPAM参加登録者は無料)
報告会 ¥0
Symposia ¥500 (ON-PAM members and TPAM participants ¥0)
Activity report presentation ¥0
General assembly is open only for the members of ON-PAM (membership available at door)
A nationwide and international membership network that connects performing arts and society, artists / artistic groups and audience. At TPAM2018, it holds a general assembly (for members, membership available at door), activity report presentation and two symposia that are open to public in which latest topics will be discussed with guests speakers from Japanese and international cultural and arts organizations.
シンポジウム1「アジアのアーツカウンシルを知る」Symposium 1: Learning about Arts Councils in Asia
スピーカー:エミリア・ヨンギョン・イ(Korea Arts Management Service チーム・マネージャー)、セリーン・リム(副ディレクター、戦略的計画・国際関係担当、 ナショナル・アーツ・カウンシル)、ベティ・マク(香港芸術発展局 プランニング・文化交流ディレクター)
BankART Studio NYK, 2B Gallery
2.15 Thu 12:30 - 14:20
Speakers: Emilia Youn-kyung Lee (Team Manager, Korea Arts Management Service), Serene Lim (Deputy Director, Strategic Planning and International Relations, National Arts Council), Betty Mak (Planning and Cultural Exchange Director, Hong Kong Arts Development Council)
Moderator: Yukio Nitta (Independent Producer)
BankART Studio NYK, 2B Gallery
2.15 Thu 12:30 - 14:20
Arts councils’ projects and supports have been playing important roles in performing arts exchange in the Asian region. In Japan, references have been made mainly to European and Australian examples when discussing arts councils, but in this session we invite guests from Asia to hear about their activities and local contexts, especially the recognition of the expertise of performing arts managers, grant systems and projects based on each institution’s missions, and the possibilities of collaboration between arts councils.
エミリア・ヨンギョン・イ(Korea Arts Management Service チーム・マネージャー)Emilia Youn-kyung Lee (Team Manager, Korea Arts Management Service)
中国語と中国文学を学び、韓国の児童演劇を主導する組織/ネットワークであるASSITEJ Koreaで舞台芸術のキャリアを積み始め、Korea Arts Management Serviceで2014年から活動。ソウル舞台芸術見本市(PAMS)のショーケースプログラムを3年間担当した。今年から舞台芸術プランニングチームと共に、PAMSと連携してソウル舞台芸術祭(SPAF)のプログラミングにも関わる。
After studying the Chinese Language & Literature, Emilia Youn-kyung Lee started the performing arts field career in ASSITEJ Korea, the majour organization & network of theatre for young audiences in Korea. And she started her career in the Korea Arts Management Service since 2014. She has been in charge of showcase programme of Performing Arts Market in Seoul (PAMS) for 3 years. From this year, her team, the Performing Arts Planning Team, will organize not only the PAMS but also the Seoul Performing Arts Festival (SPAF) in accordance with each other.

セリーン・リム(副ディレクター、戦略的計画・国際関係担当、ナショナル・アーツ・カウンシル)Serene Lim (Deputy Director, Strategic Planning and International Relations, National Arts Council)
The National Arts Council (NAC) champions the arts in Singapore. Serene Lim heads the Strategic Planning and International Relations department at the NAC. She oversees her team in developing robust arts and culture policies to nurture Singapore’s arts ecosystem, as well as engage in organisational development and performance management work to strengthen NAC’s internal processes. Her team also looks at how to best position Singapore’s arts globally, through international exchanges, collaborations, market development initiatives and showcases.

ベティ・マク(香港芸術発展局 プランニング・文化交流ディレクター)Betty Mak (Planning and Cultural Exchange Director, Hong Kong Arts Development Council)
香港芸術発展局(Hong Kong Arts Development Council、HKADC)のプランニング・文化交流ディレクターとして、リサーチ、文化交流、アートスペース開発、アーツ・アドミニストレーターの人材育成に取り組む。ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ(アート/建築、2001〜2016)やリバプール・ビエンナーレ(2012)への香港からの出展、International Arts Leadership Roundtable、Hong Kong Annual Arts Survey、Arts Development Award、Arts Education Expo、中国大陸や海外への芸術関係者派遣事業などを担当している。
Betty Mak is currently the Planning and Cultural Exchange Director of Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC), where she is responsible for the areas of research, cultural exchange, arts space development and arts administrators training. Major projects included Hong Kong’s participations in the Venice Biennale (Art / Architecture from 2001 to 2016) and Liverpool Biennale (2012), the International Arts Leadership Roundtable, Hong Kong Annual Arts Survey, the debut Arts Development Award, Arts Education Expo, and art delegation visits to various cities in Mainland China and overseas.

新田幸生(インディペンデント・プロデューサー)Yukio Nitta (Independent Producer)
日本生まれ台湾育ちのプロデューサー。国立台北芸術大学大学院アートマネジメント修士課程卒業。フリーの舞台制作者として、演劇とダンスの舞台制作やフェスティバルの制作に関わり、台北を中心に日本やアジアとの国際交流を深めるプロジェクトを数多く手がける。現在は台湾のShakespeare’s Wild Sisters Group、Huang Yi Studio+などのプロデューサー、台北芸術祭、台北フリンジ、台北子供芸術祭の広報担当、TPAM – 国際舞台芸術ミーティング in 横浜でグループ・ミーティングなどの担当を務めている。
Born in Tokyo Japan, Yukio Nitta graduated from MA in Graduate Institute of Arts Administration and Management, Taipei National University of the Arts. He ventured into contemporary drama, Taiwanese Opera, contemporary dance, tech art, world music and pop music. In the past few years, he has worked with performance groups including Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre, YiLab, Shakespeare’s Wild Sisters Group, Meimage Dance and Huang Yi Studio+; and festival including Kuandu Arts Festival, Taipei Arts Festival, Taipei Fringe Festival and TPAM – Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama, promoting performance art with every step he takes with the aim of introducing Taiwan and Asia to more people.
シンポジウム2「これからの文化政策を知る・話す・考える~新・文化庁元年を迎えるにあたって~」Symposium 2: Learning, Talking and Thinking about Cultural Policy in the Future — Entering the First Year of the New Agency for Cultural Affairs
スピーカー:髙田行紀(文化庁長官官房政策課 企画調整官)
BankART Studio NYK, 2B Gallery
2.15 Thu 14:40 - 16:30
Speaker: Yukinori Takada (Director for Policy Planning and Coordination, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan)
BankART Studio NYK, 2B Gallery
2.15 Thu 14:40 - 16:30
In the fiscal 2018, the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan is going to reform its administrative system that has been vertically divided into fields into a new organizational structure designed in accordance with goals, and to expand its functions, in order to promote its policy for culture and the arts. ON-PAM has been studying the Basic Act for Culture and the Arts as well as the Basic Plan for the Promotion of Culture and the Arts, and presented a letter of request that collected the voices of the members of the network and from the ground to the Council for Cultural Affairs in November 2017. This symposium, as an opportunity for bridging the domains of cultural policy making and performing arts management, invites a guest speaker from the Agency who will deliver a lecture on the “new” Agency for Cultural Affairs. A Q&A session follows.
髙田行紀(文化庁長官官房政策課 企画調整官)Yukinori Takada (Director for Policy Planning and Coordination, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan)
Entered the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science in 1997. Managing Director at the Education Policy Division of the board of education, Kochi Prefecture in 2007. Deputy Director at the Policy Planning and Coordination Division of the Agency for Cultural Affairs in 2009. First Secretary in charge of education, sports, culture and public relations at the Embassy of Japan in Brazil in 2013. Director in charge of the World Forum on Sport and Culture, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in October 2016, and has been in the present post since February 2017. He is also the Director for Cultural Program 2020, Director for Public Relations and Senior Specialist for Cultural Volunteering.

報告会Activity Report Presentation
BankART Studio NYK, Library
2.16 Fri 11:00 - 13:00
舞台芸術制作者オープンネットワークにとっての2017年は、2013年の設立以来目的としている政策提言活動を本格化し、政策提言のための「ガイドライン」の策定、文化庁文化審議会への要望書提出など具体的なアウトプットをする一年でした。その他、新体制で始動した「委員会」活動や国際交流事業である「第2回アジア会議 in シンガポール」を含む、2017年の活動報告会を実施します。報告会で参加者と意見交換をしたことがその年の企画に反映されるなどの事例もあり、ON-PAM自体の活動について考えを共有する機会になっています。
BankART Studio NYK, Library
2.16 Fri 11:00 - 13:00
For ON-PAM, the year 2017 was a year for concrete outputs: we reinforced advocacy as one of our missions since the establishment of the network in 2013, made a “guideline” for advocacy, and presented a letter of request to the Council for Cultural Affairs. We will also report on the activities of our new “committees” as well as our international exchange project: the second “ON-PAM Asia Meeting” in Singapore. Our projects reflect what has been exchanged between participants in activity report presentations in the past; it is an opportunity for sharing ideas about the activity of ON-PAM.
総会General Assembly
BankART Studio NYK, Library
2.16 Fri 14:00 - 16:00
BankART Studio NYK, Library
2.16 Fri 14:00 - 16:00
Open only for the members of ON-PAM (membership available at door).