国際ダンス交流プロジェクト〈Odori-Dawns-Dance〉Interational Dance Dialogue Project 〈Odori-Dawns-Dance〉
- BankART Studio NYK 3B GalleryBankART Studio NYK 3B Gallery
- 〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9Map3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002Map
- 2.17 Sat 18:30
- 2.18 Sun 14:00
- 上演時間Run Time 90 min
トークイベント 2.18 Sun 16:00-17:30
Talk event 2.18 Sun 16:00-17:30
前売・当日 ¥1,000
Adv & Door ¥1,000
- 日本語、気仙弁、英語(部分的に通訳あり)Japanese, Kesen dialect and English (w/ partial Japanese-English interpretation)
http://rikuzentakataair.com/_ src/sc476/ODD_TPAM.pdf
助成:公益財団法人セゾン文化財団、平成29年度アーティスト・イン・レジデンス活動支援を通じた国際文化交流促進事業、損保ジャパン日本興亜「SOMPO アート・ファンド」(企業メセナ協議会 2021 Arts Fund)
Culture is an activity; we are already situated within it, we respond to it. Wandering through this garden, a map of human life, references to culture and dance history, our everyday, the experience of the body, a presence and attention, a dimension of being. A process of becoming; when you enter this garden, wander around unknowing as to what or where it might lead. Created from 2015-18 with choreographers Reina Kimura, Rie Wakabayashi, actress Honami Shimizu, Kakinaizawa Shishi Odori Deer Dance, and a continuing dialog with choreographer Zan Yamashita.
More information / Contact
http://rikuzentakataair.com/_ src/sc476/ODD_TPAM.pdf
Organizer: ARTizan
Co-organizer: Rikuzentakata Artist in Residence Program
Supported by The Saison Foundation, the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in the fiscal 2017, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc “SOMPO ART FOUND”(Association for Corporate Support of the Arts, Japan: 2021 Fund for Creation of Society by the Arts and Culture) and Joshibi Art University
国際ダンス交流プロジェクト〈Odori-Dawns-Dance〉Interational Dance Dialogue Project 〈Odori-Dawns-Dance〉
ウェールズの振付家Sioned Huwsが本プロジェクトディレクター。2014年より岩手で鹿踊を学ぶ。現代の振付けと伝統芸能の協働プロジェクトとして、踊りの詩性、歴史、現状況と友好関係、動物の儀式的踊り、地域の複雑さ、その風景と神話の解明を行う。2008-17にオーストラリア、シンガポール、ヨーロッパ、UK、日本でツアーを実施した、津軽手踊りを基にしたAomori Projectから継続している。
Sioned Huws - Director, Choreographer Wales. Since 2014 she has danced the Deer Dance of Iwate, Japan. A project in collaboration with traditional and contemporary choreographers to reveal the poetry of dance and community, as a large family, an aggregate, the situations and the friendships; an animistic ritual dance, derived from the complexity of community, landscape and mythology. A continuation from her Aomori Project 2008-17 based on the Tsugaru performing art forms of Northern Japan, toured in Australia, Singapore, Europe, UK and Japan.