牛乳とハチミツ、ゆれて三日月を喰みるMilk and Honey, melted and tangle up the crescent
- 2.16 Fri 19:00
- 2.17 Sat 14:00 / 18:00
- 2.18 Sun 12:00 / 16:00
- 上演時間Run Time 90 min
一般 ¥2,500
学割 ¥2,000
General ¥2,500
Student ¥2,000
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥2,000
- 日本語Japanese
twitter: @Fu men_Kaiga
Now, or maybe in the near future. We think about the Japanese family, and about Japanese furniture. It's enough for both furniture and people to just exist. A thing exists, and so its presence comes into being. It creates a certain space by blending into its surroundings, or maybe by rebelling against them. Among the things that exist in a house, you can conceive of the biological things as family and the non-biological things as furniture. If you burn either family or furniture, it becomes easy to see that they are organic.
More information / Contact
twitter: @Fu men_Kaiga
2016年5月発足。関東を中心に活動している。同年、『決して、交わらないぬるい星』と『新しい走馬灯の探し方』の2本の作品を上演するとともに旗揚げをする。 発足以来、三橋亮太が全作品の脚本と演出を務める。現在、団員は5名。作品は現代口語演劇理論を据えている。そこからいかにクリエイションの幅を広げられるかを研鑽するための過程とし、作品を作っている。
Founded in May, 2016. Active in the Kanto region. In 2016, staged the double bill of Lukewarm Stars that Will Never Cross and How to Search for New Revolving Lanterns for the company's debut performance. Since the company was founded, Ryota Mitsuhashi has written and directed every production. There are currently five company members. The company's theatrical style is rooted in the methodology of "contemporary colloquial theater." This company pushes the limits of that methodology in their creative process.