大城真&川口貴大によるデュオパフォーマンス/インスタレーションMakoto Oshiro and Takahiro Kawaguchi DUO Performance / Installation
大城真/川口貴大Makoto Oshiro and Takahiro Kawaguchi
- BankART Studio NYK kawamata HallBankART Studio NYK kawamata Hall
- 〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9Map3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002Map
- 2.11 Sun 16:30
- 上演時間Run Time 90 min
前売・当日 ¥2,000
Adv & Door ¥2,000
Reservation form for general audience
TPAM Registrant Benefit: An audio file recorded from the day of the performance (*It will be distributed via download code).
- 日本語・英語Japanese and English
Takahiro Kawaguchi and Makoto Oshiro will do a one night special performance. They will explore the various characteristics of the performance space and utilize it in there performance, and the audience will not only hear the sounds that the artists create, but also hear the space that that they are in, and experience a performance where live performance and installation crosses over.
More information / Contact
大城真/川口貴大Makoto Oshiro and Takahiro Kawaguchi
両氏は長年コラボレーションを続けており、ステージと客席の区切りを無くし自作装置などを空間的に配置しながら展開する、インスタレーションと演奏が交差するパフォーマンスを共作しています。これまでデュオとしてIssue Project Room(ニューヨーク)、Cafe Oto(ロンドン)、 Lift / Macao(ミラノ)、Global(コペンハーゲン)など海外公演も行っています。
Takahiro Kawaguchi and Makoto Oshiro have collaborated for years, creating a performance that crosses installation and musical performance by removing the boundaries between the stage and audience seats, and placing their self made instruments around in the space.As a duo, they have had opportunities to perform not only in Japan, but also abroad at venues such as the Issue Project Room (New York), Cafe Oto (London), Lift / Macao (Milano) and Global (Copenhagen).