作曲作品に向き合う日本の即興音楽シーンの現在Japan's improvised music scene today - taking on composed music
浦裕幸 + 金沢健一 + 井上郷子、Suidobashi Chamber EnsembleHiroyuki Ura + Kenichi Kanazawa + Satoko Inoue, Suidobashi Chamber Ensemble
- FtarriFtarri
- 〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷1-4-11 岡野ビルB1FMapOkano Bldg. B1F, 1-4-11 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033Map
- 2.14 Wed 19:30
- 上演時間Run Time 150 min
前売 ¥2,000
当日 ¥2,500
Adv ¥2,000
Door ¥2,500
TPAM Registrant Benefit:¥500 discount
In a major trend on today's improvised music scenes in Europe and the United States, improvisers are performing existing contemporary classical pieces, or their own or other improvisers' new compositions (which usually have text or graphic scores). This movement is happening on the improvised music scene in Japan as well. Two important CDs comprised of this type of music were released by Ftarri in 2016-17. In this concert we will hear performances by the two groups that released those recordings.
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Ftarri は、即興音楽主体のCDショップです。水道橋にある実店舗では週2日程度の割合で、 国内外の即興演奏家によるライヴ演奏をおこなっています。また、CDレーベルを運営し、リリース作品は欧米にも流通させています。 海外演奏家を多数招いた即興音楽祭 Ftarri Festival も数年おきに開催しています。これらの活動を通して、日本の即興音楽の海外への流布と、国内外演奏家の交流にも努めています。
Ftarri is a CD/record shop focusing on improvised music. Roughly twice a week, we host live concerts by musicians specialized in improvisation (both Japanese and foreign) in the open space in our Suidobashi store. We also run a CD label, distributing our releases wholesale in the West as well as Japan. In addition, every few years we hold the Ftarri Festival, an improvised music event that features many musicians from overseas. Through these activities, we energetically promote the circulation of Japanese improvised music abroad and exchanges between performers from all over.