ダンス30s!!! シアターコレクション|A. 大山曼陀羅−オオヤマンダラ− 〜東京バージョン〜|B. f(○岩淵貞太 ●入手杏奈)Dance 30s!!! Theatre collection | A. ohyaMANDALA | B. f (○Teita Iwabuchi ●Anna Irite)
プロジェクト大山, MOKKProject Oh! YAMA, MOKK
- こまばアゴラ劇場Komaba Agora Theater
- 〒153-0041 東京都目黒区駒場1-11-13 Map1-11-13 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0041Map
- 2.9 Fri 19:30 - A
- 2.10 Sat 14:00 - A
- 2.11 Sun 14:00 - A
- 2.15 Thu 19:30 - B ○
- 2.16 Fri 14:00 - B ○ / 19:30 - B ●
- 2.17 Sat 14:00 - B ● / 19:30 - B ○
- 2.18 Sun 14:00 - B ●
- 上演時間Run Time A. 70 min | B. 45 min
前売 一般 ¥3,000
当日 一般 ¥3,500
U-25 ¥2,000 *前売のみ・枚数限定・要身分証明書
Adv General ¥3,000
Door General ¥3,500
U-25 ¥2,000 *Adv only, limited number, ID required
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥200 discount from each ticket
活動10周年を超えた強者揃いのダンスカンパニー プロジェクト大山、モモンガ・コンプレックス、MOKKによるダンスでは非常に稀な3週間連続公演。キレ味鋭い女性振付家が魅せる3者3様な3weeks!
A. プロジェクト大山『大山曼陀羅−オオヤマンダラ− 〜東京バージョン〜』
B. MOKK『f』(○岩淵貞太 ●入手杏奈)
2012年初演。 女性のソロを濃密に描いた作品を今回は岩渕貞太、 入手杏奈のソロ作品へ。1公演に1人の出演者。 生と性の連なりを描く。 今最もセクシーだと思うダンサーと向き合い、 観客は自由に移動しながら身体を体感する作品となる。
企画制作:モモンガ・コンプレックス・プロジェクト大山・MOKK/(有)アゴラ企画・ こまばアゴラ劇場
Three captivating weeks of performances, by three cutting edge choreographers, in three unique styles! Momonga Complex, Project OH! Yama, and MOKK present a rare collaboration between three veteran dance companies that have been active for over a decade.
A. Project Oh!YAMA "ohyaMANDALA"
In 2017, Project Oh! YAMA is conducting a three city tour that spans from the north to the south of Japan. This piece is the culmination of Project Oh! YAMA's artistic vision over the past 10 years, collecting and combining the best scenes into a new production. ohyaMANDALA is truly a mandala of Project Oh! YAMA.
B. MOKK "f" (○Teita Iwabuchi ●Anna Irite)
Premiered in 2012. Originally written as a dense solo dance piece for a woman, now performed by one man and one woman: Teita Iwabuchi and Anna Irite. Each performance features one of these two dancers. This performance depicts the connections between life and sexuality. The piece will continue to be a chance to feel the body of a dancer while audience can move around freely.
More info / Contact
Planned by Momonga Complex / Project Oh!YAMA / MOKK | Agora Planning LTD. / Agora Theater
Produced by MOKK
Organized by Agora Planning LTD. / Agora Theater
プロジェクト大山Project Oh! YAMA
主宰の古家優里を中心に、お茶の水女子大学卒業メンバーで06年結成。 横浜ダンスコレクションR審査員賞、トヨタコレオグラフィアワード次代を担う振付家賞受賞。長塚圭史演出『ガラスの動物園』にて振付・出演、NHK Eテレ『みいつけた!』楽曲への振付・ 出演など活躍の場を広げるアラサー女子の“若手”カンパニー。
Formed by graduates of Ochanomizu Women's University in 2006, lead by company artistic director Furuie Yuuri. Recipient of the Yokohama Dance Collection R's Judges Award and the Toyota Choreography Award's Emerging Choreographer Award. This dance company of women in their 30s is active in a wide variety of fields, appearing in and doing choreography for projects including director Nagatsuka Keishi's production of The Glass Menagerie and also NHK Educational TV's I Found It!
村本すみれを中心に、日本大学芸術学部在学中に前身が発足、卒業後07年活動開始。10年『ooze』(大橋翔監督)がブタペストダンス映像祭招待上映、16年『Dum Spiro, Spero』の韓国での招聘公演など活動を広げる。15年より日本橋・studio RADAを拠点に公演やワークショップ等を開催。
Lead by Muramoto Sumire, this company was founded in 2007 by a group of students at Nihon University's College of Art. They have been increasingly active internationally. In 2010, ooze (Directed by Ōhashi Shō) was invited to be screened at the Budapest Video Dance Festival. In 2016, the company was invited to give a touring performance of Dum Spiro, Spero in Korea. In 2015, the company began to use studio RADA in Nihonbashi as a base for performances and workshops.