blanClass Anthology #3|A.『ゴースト ライター』|B. 『予兆 名絵画探偵 3』|C. 『Post Future Perfect(未来完了以後)』blanClass Anthology #3 | A. “The Ghost Writer” | B. “Presage - Great Painting Detective - episode Ⅲ” | C. “Post Future Perfect”
高山玲子, Whales + けのび, 前後(高嶋晋一 + No Collective + 神村恵)Reiko Takayama, Whales + Kenobi, Zen-go (Shinichi Takashima + No Collective + Megumi Kamimura)
- 2.10 Sat 19:30 - A
- 2.11 Sun 16:00 - A
- 2.13 Tue 20:30 - B
- 2.14 Wed 20:30 - B
- 2.17 Sat 19:30 - C
- 上演時間Run Time A. 70 min|B. 60 min|C. 90 min
A. 高山玲子『ゴースト ライター』
一般 ¥2,500
B. Whales + けのび『予兆 名絵画探偵 3』
一般 ¥2,000
C. 前後(高嶋晋一 + No Collective + 神村恵)『Post Future Perfect(未来完了以後)』
一般 ¥2,000
〈本文〉1)日にち 2)氏名 3)住所 4)メールアドレス 5)参加人数
〈アドレス〉info@blanclass.comA. Reiko Takayama "The Ghost Writer"
General ¥2,500
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
B. Whales + Kenobi "Presage - Great Painting Detective - episode Ⅲ"
General ¥2,000
TPAM Registrant Benefit: Free(1drink order required)
C. Zen-go (Shinichi Takashima + No Collective + Megumi Kamimura) "Post Future Perfect"
General ¥2,000
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
For Geneal: Please email to info@blanclass.com including the following information by the day before the performance.
Reservation will be completed after you receive an email from blanClass.
They may stop accepting registrations once all seats are taken.
<Subject> [Performance Ttile] Reservation
<Text> 1) Date 2) Name 3) Address 4) E-mail 5) The number of people -
- C. 日本語(英語字幕あり)C. Japanese (Subtitled in English)
blanClassを実験場として、思考と試行を展開している3組のアーティスト、高山玲子、Whales + けのび、前後(高嶋晋一+No Collective+神村恵)をお招きして、さらなる実験を繰り広げます。
A. 高山玲子『ゴースト ライター』
B. Whales + けのび『予兆 名絵画探偵 3』
C. 前後(高嶋晋一 + No Collective + 神村恵)『Post Future Perfect(未来完了以後)』
blanClass becomes a performance laboratory, inviting artists who explore the nature of thought through bold trial and error. Reiko Takayama, Whales + Kenobi, and Zen-go (Shinichi Takashima + No Collective + Megumi Kamimura) will each present their ongoing artistic experiments.
A. Reiko Takayama "The Ghost Writer"
Since early 2017, I began making theatrical work to those who are no longer here. But by the end of the year, I also disappeared completely. Even though I’m gone, I’m well and still making theatre pieces. This performance is about the time ‘when I disappeared’ and ‘when you disappeared.’ To those who are not present and also who are still here; I welcome all of you equally!
Collaboration: Yu Araki, Takuya Fukui
B. Whales + Kenobi "Presage - Great Painting Detective - episode Ⅲ"
The painting, it's coming — to me. This is theater that anyone could perform, even if an excess of glutamate were to cause ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and it became impossible to move any part of your body, even your eyeballs. However, the painting is going to arrive, any moment now. This is a collaborative performance by Eijiro Takahashi (Whales) and Yoshiro Hatori (kenobi), known for their involvement in TPAM Direction's Asian Artist Interview video exhibition.
Commissioned by blanClass
C. Zen-go (Shinichi Takashima + No Collective + Megumi Kamimura) "Post Future Perfect"
Announcements are made in advance to set a future as an extension of the present. However, "Post Future Perfect" refers to a time after the future as an extension of the present has been perfected. Two days after perfecting "Post Future Perfect" in Idogaya we will begin our artist-in-residency in Kinosaki to work on a project titled “Past Future Perfect.” Therefore, in "Post Future Perfect” we seek to re-stage ahead of its time, a project that will only be produced after the future, set by this announcement, has been perfected.
高山玲子Reiko Takayama
While performing for numerous companies’ works as an actor, Takayama has produced videos and stage works on the side. In her theatre work ”New Cinema,” which was an experimental attempt to merge moving images and theatre together, a new video work was produced in real time during the performance itself. Among her various activities, she has recently collaborated with a musician Yuko Ikema.
Whales + けのびWhales + Kenobi
Whales: Founded in 2015. Through experiments with lighting instruments and other devices, he has depicted incidents involving paintings. The innovative mode of performative presence in his work is simultaneously rich and poor. / kenobi: Founded in 2009. Focusing exclusively on direction, kenobi creates mindsets and doctrines that can be applied in any situation. It is known for the workshop A Stone to Eat, which explores a new sense of taste. (See also: Asian Artist Interviews)
前後(高嶋晋一 + No Collective + 神村恵)Zen-go (Shinichi Takashima + No Collective + Megumi Kamimura)
前後はダンサー・振付家の神村恵と美術家の高嶋晋一により結成され、身体の物質性とそれを把握する際の観念性を主軸にすえた、ダンスでも美術でもない作品を発表している。今回前後に加入するNo Collectiveは、音楽家の中井悠、ダンス理論家のケイ・フェスタ、詩人の知念藍などにより結成され、身体の観念性とそれを把握する際の物質性を主軸にすえた、音楽でも演劇でもない作品を発表している。
Zen-go consists of Megumi Kamimura (choreographer/dancer) and Shinichi Takashima (artist). They focus on the materiality of the body, and the conceptions required to grasp it, to produce works which are neither dance nor visual art. No Collective, who will join Zen-go, consists of You Nakai (composer/historian), Kei Festa (dance theorist/dramaturg), Ai Chinen (poet), et al. They focus on the conception of the body, and the materialities required to grasp it, to produce works which are neither music nor theater.