Hong Kong Wave: Beat The Tiger TonightHong Kong Wave: Beat The Tiger Tonight
Hugh Cho / TS StudioHugh Cho / TS Studio
- BankART Studio NYK 3B GalleryBankART Studio NYK 3B Gallery
- 〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9Map3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002Map
- 2.12 Mon 19:30
- 2.13 Tue 19:30
- 2.14 Wed 16:00 / 19:30
- 上演時間Run Time 60 min
前売・当日 ¥2,500
本文:1)日時 2)氏名 3)チケット枚数 4)電話番号Adv & Door ¥2,500
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,500
For general audiece, please email to andylo.work@gmail.com including the following information by the day before the performance. They may stop accepting registrations once all seats are taken.
Subject: "Performance Title" Ticekt Reservation
Text: 1) Date and time 2) Name 3) The number of ticket 4) Phone -
『Made in Hong Kong』と『Along』のダブルビル公演。香港のカンフー映画、チャイニーズ・オペラ、トリッキング、パルクールやアクロバットを統合させたユニークな香港のパフォーマンス。ブルース・リーの影響を受けたこの作品には、振付は明確な特徴もなく、特定のフォームもない。つまり、形も形式もなく、従うルールもない。無から何かが生まれ、やがてそれはスタイルとなる。「道は常に無為にして、而も為さざるは無し。」(老子『老子道徳経』)。
A double-billed performance: Made in Hong Kong and Along. A unique style of Hong Kong performance - an integration of Hong Kong Kung Fu movie, xiqu (cantonese opera), tricking, parkour and acrobatics. With the influence of Bruce Lee, the choreography has no specific characteristic, no particular form; shapeless, formless, following no rules. Of nothing comes something, then it becomes a style! “The Tao never strives, yet nothing is left undone.” Tao Te Ching (ancient Chinese wisdom), Lao Tzu
Hugh Cho / TS StudioHugh Cho / TS Studio
Hugh CHO - 舞台芸術の異なる様式を統合し、独自のスタイルで境界線を揺さぶるユニークな振付家。本当の「香港製」と呼べる身体の動きや言語を作り上げている。TS Crew - テコンドー、カポエラ、パルクール、トリッキング、コンテンポラリー・ダンス、そして跳舞を得意とするパフォーマー集団。
Hugh CHO - The unique choreographer who integrates different forms of performing arts in his work and trying to blur different lines and boundaries with style. He has created a brand of movement type and language which is really “made in Hong Kong”. TS Crew - A gang of performers who are good at Taekwondo, Capoeira, Parkour, Tricking, Contemporary Dance and Chinese Dance.