ヨコハマアートサイトラウンジvol.26「コロナ禍でみえてきたこと――演劇はつづく」Yokohama Art Site Lounge Vol.26 "Things We Started to See through the Coronavirus Pandemic - Theater Goes On"
佐藤信 (若葉町ウォーフ代表)Sato Macoto
オンライン配信Accessible online 2.14 Sun 13:00 - 14:10 オンライン配信Accessible online 2.14 Sun 13:00 - 14:10
- 日本語、通訳なしJapanese without interpretation
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※ 動画時間:65分程度
We asked playwright and director Macoto Satoh, who works at Wakabacho Wharf, about 2020 Yokohama Art Site Participatory Project "In Town Gallery" (Machinaka Gallery). As a founding member of the Theater Company Black Tent and a leader of small theater movements.
Mr. Satoh talks about his thoughts on culture and the arts in the Coronavirus pandemic, and the public nature they play. We also asked him for a message to give to future bearers of the arts and culture.
Interviewer: Tomonori Ogawa (Yokohama Art Site Office)
Interview location: Wakabacho Wharf (Nakaku, Yokohama)
Interview Date: Jan 12, 2021
Hosted by: Yokohama Art Site Office (ST Spot Yokohama, Yokohama Culture and Tourism Office, Yokohama Arts Foundation)
*Video length: Currently being edited for 60 minutes (as of Jan 19th)
佐藤信 (若葉町ウォーフ代表)Sato Macoto
Wakabacho Wharf/ Playwright/ Director Makoto has played a central role in leading the small theater movement since the mid 1960's. He has directed a wide range of theater pieces and actively continues his practice and making statements on the borderline between theater and society. In recent years he has been passionate about forming alternative networks in performing arts among neighboring Asian cities. Currently he is the artistic director of Za Koenji Public Theater. In the 2020 Yokohama Art Site Participatory Project "In Town Gallery" (Machinaka Gallery), he aims to make a theatrical space, which is usually closed off, to become a place where anyone can freely stop by.