International Connections - Artwave 台湾チャンネル / 2019-2020年注目アーティストとパフォーマンスInternational Connections - Artwave Taiwan Channel / Emerging Artists and Performances in 2019-2020
- BankART Temporary(ヨコハマ創造都市センター)BankART Temporary (Yokohama Creativecity Center)
- 神奈川県横浜市中区本町6-50-1Map6-50-1 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-8315Map
2.9 Tue 17:00 - 18:00 オンライン配信Accessible online 2.9 Tue 17:00 - 18:00 2.9 Tue 17:00 - 18:00 オンライン配信Accessible online 2.9 Tue 17:00 - 18:00
- 英語、一部字幕あり、通訳なしEnglish, partially with subtitles, without interpretation
・"12th YOUNG STARS NEW VISION - Beings", WANG Yeu-Kwn
・"Disappearing Island", Formosa Circus Art
・"Elder", Dashing Theater
・"LUNA", Bulareyaung Dance Company
・"Masses", WANG Wei
・"TSIA̍H THÓO", Bare Feet Dance Theater
This session will center around an introduction of 6 pieces that were created in Taiwan under the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, and their artists, and pieces that were created as part of the activities of Taiwan's performing arts scene and ARTWAVE. Online networking will be held as well.
・"12th YOUNG STARS NEW VISION - Beings", WANG Yeu-Kwn
・"Disappearing Island", Formosa Circus Art
・"Elder", Dashing Theater
・"LUNA", Bulareyaung Dance Company
・"Masses", WANG Wei
・"TSIA̍H THÓO", Bare Feet Dance Theater
ARTWAVE is a platform created by the National Culture and Arts Foundation which aims to internationally connect Taiwanese art to the world. ARTWAVE ties Taiwanese artists to professionals in countries around the world, pursuing deep exchanges among them. Furthermore, ARTWAVE supports collaboration between Taiwanese and other professional artistic companies, exploring a new narrative for performing arts in the world today.