Amazon Club Online:ディレクターズ・ナイト — 恩田晃ナイトAmazon Club Online: Director’s Night — Aki Onda Night
恩田晃, 野村誠Aki Onda, Makoto Nomura
オンライン配信Accessible online 2.10 Wed 22:00 - 00:30 オンライン配信Accessible online 2.10 Wed 22:00 - 00:30
- 日本語Japanese
TPAM参加者に愛され、本音の議論と多くの出会いを生んだ伝説のレイトナイト・ミーティング・ポイント「Amazon Club」をオンラインで再現(実店舗は惜しくも昨年12月に閉店し、現在「アマゾンクラブ移転プロジェクト」が進行中)。TPAMディレクションの海外拠点ゲストディレクターをMCに招いて「ディレクターズ・ナイト」を開催します。ドリンク片手に、昼間の地域の方は仕事の合間に、ぜひご参加ください。
TPAM participants’ hidden gem at night, “Amazon Club” in Yokohama is happening beyond borders (the real Amazon Club was closed in December 2020, but “Amazon Club Relocation Project” has been going on). Inviting the international guest directors of TPAM Direction as hosts, we’ll present “Directors’ Nights.” Grab your favorite drinks and join us to boost yourself in your time zone.
Aki Onda Night
The talk will be held on Udlot-Udlot by José Maceda. This piece was scheduled to be re-enacted during TPAM2021, but had to be cancelled unfortunately due to the state of emergency declared in response to the spread of the novel coronavirus. The talk will untangle the essence of this piece as well as Maceda’s innovation, which speaks to the time that we are in now, including the course by which this show had to be cancelled. The talk will be over drinks, so you never know what anecdotes may come out. Some guests are also expected to stop by. The night will lend some thoughts to the unconventional and at times wild composer, who consistently raised the question what is “Asian music.”
恩田晃Aki Onda
Artist and curator, Aki Onda is known for his Cassette Memories project using field recordings that he has collected over 30 years. As a curator, he has introduced performances and exhibitions by such artists as José Maceda, Senyawa, Ngọc Đại, Gozo Yoshimasu, Akio Suzuki and Kento Koganezawa at such occasions and venues as the TBA Festival in Portland and The Kitchen in New York. A guest director for TPAM Direction from 2016 to 2019. Having lived in New York for many years, he is now based in Mito, Japan.

Photo by Brian Whar
野村誠Makoto Nomura
1968年愛知県生まれ、京都府在住。作曲家、ピアニスト、鍵盤ハーモニカ奏者。小学校2年生から自発的に作曲を始める。1990年、即興演奏をベースに共同作曲するバンドpou-fouを結成。1992年、京都大学理学部卒業。1994年ブリティッシュ・カウンシルの助成金を得て渡英。1996年、JCCART AWARDの現代音楽部門最優秀賞受賞。2003年、第一回アサヒビール芸術賞受賞。美術家、ダンサーとの共演も多い。日本相撲聞芸術作曲家協議会理事、日本センチュリー交響楽団コミュニティプログラムディレクター。
Makoto Nomura is a Kyoto-based pianist and keyboard harmonicist. Nomura began to compose music when he was a second grader inelementary school. In 1990, he formed the band pou-fou, whose membersco-composed improvisational music. Graduating from the Department of Science of Kyoto University in 1992, Nomura moved to the U.K. after being awarded a grant from the British Council in 1994. In 2005, Nomura has been awarded prizes such as the JCC ART AWARD’s prize for the best contemporary music in 1996 and the first Asahi Beer Art Award. He has collaborated with many visual artists and dancers. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Japan Association of Composers for Sumo Hearing Arts and serves as the Community Program Director of the Japan Century Symphony Orchestra.