狂言・ダンス・音楽による「兵士の物語」Kyogen-Dance-Music 「The Soldier’s Tale」
髙澤祐介/伊藤キム/篠崎史門Yusuke Takazawa /Kim Ito/Shimon Shinozaki
- かなっくホールKANACK-HALL
- 〒221-0044 横浜市神奈川区東神奈川1-10-1Map1-10-1 Higashi-Kanagawa, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221-0044Map
2.10 Wed 19:30 - 20:30 上演時間Run Time 60分60min 2.10 Wed 19:30 - 20:30 上演時間Run Time 60分60min
- 日本語(英語字幕あり)Japanese (subtitled in English)
Fee: ¥1000
Purchase: https://peatix.com/event/1695057
照 明:白木彩(JSS)
音 響:松倉佑夏(JSS)
日本語訳:西 久美子
助成:神奈川県「令和2年度マグカル推進事業補助金」Script and direction: Miyuki Saito
Assistant Director: Osamu Totsuka, Kentaro Nakamura
Stage director: Koichi Nihei (JSS)
Lighting: Shiraki Aya (JSS)
Sound: Yuka Matsukura (JSS)
Video distribution: J.S.S, Inc.
『兵士の物語』(The Soldier’s Tale )とは?
ロシアの民話を元にイーゴリ・ストラヴィンスキー が作曲し、シャルル・フェルディナン・ラミューズ が台本に起こし、1918 年 初演された朗読とバレエと音楽により上演される作品で、巡業できるよう小回りのきく少人数で構成されている。「豊かさ」とは何なのか?現代に至るまで変わらない人間たちに問いかける、人間の普遍性をシニカルに描く作品です。
What should we do now?Then, I remembered Stravinsky's "The Soldier's Tale “in a state of exhaustion immediately after World War I... You can practice individually, enjoy the humorousness of a universal human being in a play, and enjoy orchestral music and dance at the same time.You can practice individually."In order to combine multiple genres, we performed comedy ""Kyogen"" from ancient Japan, contemporary dance, and music."
What is The Soldier's Tale?
Composed by Igor Stravinsky based on Russian folklore and written by Charles Ferdinan Ramuse, It is a cynical depiction of human universality that asks questions to people who have not changed to the present day.
Art n’ English Studio
伊藤キムKim Ito
Presided by GERO, a physical theater company.In 1987, he studied at dancer Azu FURUKAWA.Formed "Kim Ito + Shining Future" in 1995, France's Banjolais International Dance Award in 1996, the first Asahi Stage Art Award in 2002, and the Yokohama Culture Award in 2008.In 2005, In 15 years, she formed a new company, GERO, and resumed his creative activities after 10 years.
- 公式サイトOfficial Website
- https://peatix.com/event/1695057
- お問い合わせ(メール)Contact (Email)
- kanack@kanack-hall.info
- お問い合わせ(電話)Contact (Phone)
- 045-440-1211