CINARS / Quebec on Stage - ショーケースCINARS / Quebec on Stage - Showcase
オンライン配信Accessible online 2.8 Mon 19:30 - 21:30 オンライン配信Accessible online 2.8 Mon 19:30 - 21:30
- 英語、Q&A通訳ありEnglish, Q&A with interpretation
CINARSはケベックのパフォーミングアーツのプロモーション、サポート、輸出をミッションにしているNPOです。CINARSは毎年、カンパニーやエージェンシーのエージェントや代表者とタッグを組み、QUEBEC ON STAGEという名前の元メジャーなカンファレンスに合同で参加するシリーズを企画しています。今年はCINARSと la Délégation générale du Québec in Tokyo はTPAM Exchange.にてひとつのショーケースを発表します。
Cherepaka, Andréane Leclerc - Nadère arts vivants
Les corps avalés, Compagnie Virginie Brunelle
Q&A (Andréane Leclerc, Artist in new corporal practices and Geoffroy Faribault, producer)
Q&A (Virginie Brunelle, choreographer and artistic director and Nicolas Filion, booking agent & general director, FÔVE diffusion)
Andréane Leclerc - Nadère arts vivants
Website: https://nadereartsvivants.com/ en/cherepaka/
Contact: Geoffroy Faribault, diffusion@nadereartsvivants. com
Les corps avalés / Swallowed Bodies
Compagnie Virginie Brunelle
Website: https://en.fove.ca/virginie- brunelle-fr
Contact: Nicolas Filion, nicolas@fove.ca
CINARS is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote and support the export of the performing arts from Quebec. CINARS teams up with agents and representatives from companies and agencies every year to organize a series of joint attendance at some of the key conferences under the banner QUEBEC ON STAGE. This year, CINARS and la Délégation générale du Québec in Tokyo present one showcase in TPAM Exchange.
Cherepaka, Andréane Leclerc - Nadère arts vivants
Les corps avalés, Compagnie Virginie Brunelle
Q&A (Andréane Leclerc, Artist in new corporal practices and Geoffroy Faribault, producer)
Q&A (Virginie Brunelle, choreographer and artistic director and Nicolas Filion, booking agent & general director, FÔVE diffusion)
Andréane Leclerc - Nadère arts vivants
Website: https://nadereartsvivants.com/ en/cherepaka/
Contact: Geoffroy Faribault, diffusion@nadereartsvivants. com
Les corps avalés / Swallowed Bodies
Compagnie Virginie Brunelle
Website: https://en.fove.ca/virginie- brunelle-fr
Contact: Nicolas Filion, nicolas@fove.ca