エクスカーション:セゾン文化財団 森下スタジオ見学会Excursion: A Visit to The Saison Foundation Morishita Studio
岩渕貞太、Co. RuriMitoTeita Iwabuchi, Co. RuriMito
2.8 Sat 11:30 - 13:30 2.8 Sat 11:30 - 13:30
- 英語English
Email: residency@saison.or.jp
*件名を、「2月8日セゾン文化財団森下スタジオ見学会」とし、 本文に ①お名前②所属③参加人数をご記入ください。
For an application, send>> residency@saison.or.jp (TPAM registrants only)
Subject: Excursion to Morishita Studio on 8th Feb
Text: 1) Name 2) affiliation 3) number of applicants
Deadline: 2.7 Fri 17:00
舞台芸術AiRミーティングに先立ち、セゾン文化財団の運営する稽古場、森下スタジオの見学会(Excursion)。民間の助成財団として活動するセゾン文化財団の助成活動やアーティスト・イン・レジデンス事業を紹介する交流会を開催。また、オープン・スタジオとして、セゾン・フェローの振付家・ダンサーの岩渕貞太の新作の構想を紹介するプレゼンテーションや、三東瑠璃が主宰するダンスカンパニーCo. RuriMitoの新作のワークインプログレスを実施します。
This time, as a pre-event of Performing Arts AiR Meeting, an excursion to visit rehearsal studios, Morishita Studio managed by The Saison Foundation which is the private grant-making foundation. There will be a course of events to introduce and share the business practice of The Saison Foundation and their Artist In Residence programs. Open Studio opportunities to introduce the new work of Teita Iwabuchi who is the Saison Fellowship choreographer and dancer, and the work in progress of Ruri Mito who leads the dance company called Co.Ruri Mito will also be organized respectively.
岩渕貞太Teita Iwabuchi
Teita Iwabuchi creates work that focuses on the structure of the body and its interaction with space and music. He has developed “the matrixed body,” a method of bodily expression rooted in butoh and martial arts that employs the body and sensibilities of the Japanese people, taking inspiration from disciplines such as biology, neuroscience, and philosophy. He has performed experimental pieces depicting the relationship between the body and music with musicians such as Yoshio Otani or Shuta Hasunuma, in addition to numerous collaborations with other fields. In 2012, he received the French Embassy Award at Yokohama Dance Collection EX2012 for Hetero, a piece jointly choreographed with Kaori Seki.

Photo by Sakiko Nomura
Co. Ruri MitoCo. Ruri Mito
国際的に活躍する三東瑠璃が主宰するダンスカンパニー。三東自身は土方巽記念賞等多数の受賞歴があり、ダンサーとしてもダミアン・ジャレ等の振付作品に出演している。2017年より活動を開始し、個々の身体の特徴を深く探求しながら時間をかけて質の高い作品の創作を目指している。2019年、Spiral Independent Creators Festival 20 Playにて特別賞を受賞。
Co. Ruri Mito is a dance company led by internationally active dancer and choreographer Ruri Mito. Her lengthy list of accolades includes the Tatsumi Hijikata Memorial Award; she has also appeared as a dancer in works choreographed by the likes of Damien Jalet. Since her company's beginnings in 2017, she has aimed to deeply explore the unique characteristics of each individual body, taking her time to create high-quality work. In 2019, the company was awarded the “PLAY” special mention at Spiral Independent Creators Festival 20.

©︎Yuya Yamazaki