退避The Retreat
タナポン・ウィルンハグン、木村玲奈、児玉北斗、益田さち、敷地理Thanapol Virulhakul, Reina Kimura, Hokuto Kodama, Sachi Masuda, Osamu Shikichi
2.12 Wed 21:00 2.13 Thu 21:00 2.14 Fri 21:00 2.15 Sat 21:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min *当日券の販売はありません。
*会場へは、集合場所からのご案内となります。 集合場所(KAAT神奈川芸術劇場から徒歩25分程度)はチケットを予約された方に2月4日にメールでお知らせします。集合時間は20:45の予定です。
2.12 Wed 21:00 2.13 Thu 21:00 2.14 Fri 21:00 2.15 Sat 21:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min *Door tickets will not be available.
*Ticket holders will be guided to the venue from a meeting point. The meeting point (approx. 25-minute walk from KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre) will be told to those who have reserved tickets by email on February 4. The meeting time is planned to be 20:45.
¥3,500 (adv only)
Professional¥1,500 (reservation only)
振付:Thanapol Virulhakul
プロセス・アシスタント:Paopoom Chiwarak
Choreographer: Thanapol Virulhakul
Process assistant: Paopoom Chiwarak
Dancers: Reina Kimura, Hokuto Kodama, Sachi Masuda, Osamu Shikichi
Stage manager: So Ozaki
Management: Kazue Suzuki
The Retreat is a choreographic research process that Thanapol Virulhakul and dancers have been investigating in the forms of daily practice, workshop, performance, choreographic notation or bookmaking since 2017.
Reflecting the modern sociopolitical history of Thailand, the process is aimed at exploring forms of “retreat” from the unfamiliar, unsettled and unknown, which we usually find abhorrent in daily life, in order to re-choreograph the irrational, impulsive and physical relationship between human and things, self and the other, organic and inorganic, beneficial and harmful, inside and outside, left and right, visible and invisible or good and evil and to imagine future politics of assemblies beyond logical justification.
Following the 15-hour open work-in-progress workshop in TPAM2019 with three Thai and three Japanese dancers, this time four Japanese dancers participate in this performance as a pop-up “retreat program” in a floating space after months of self-training to be retreating as their daily routine.
タナポン・ウィルンハグン(バンコク)Thanapol Virulhakul (Bangkok)
Thanapol Virulhakul began to involve himself in conceptual dance performance as a dancer, choreographer and director to investigate his interest in and question on human perception of themselves and the world after studying film and photography at Thammasat University. He was a co-artistic director of Democrazy Theatre Studio in Bangkok from 2013 to 2019 and was a resident artist at Cité Internationales des Art in 2019.

木村玲奈(東京/神戸)Reina Kimura (Tokyo/Kobe)
Dancer/choreographer born in Aomori and currently based in Tokyo and Kobe, Reina has participated in Sioned Huws’ projects since 2008 and took part in the choreography course at DANCE BOX (Kobe). Interested in influence of environment and language (dialect) upon the body, she has carried out research and creations in a variety of places. Exploring new ways of having dance engage with people and places, she tries to hand down dance to the future generation. A Saison Foundation Junior Fellow since 2019.

Photo by Mikio Tazoe
児玉北斗(京都)Hokuto Kodama (Kyoto)
2001年より北米、ヨーロッパ各地にてダンサーとして活動。 ヨーテボリオペラ・ダンスカンパニー、 スウェーデン王立バレエなどに所属し、ヴィム・ ヴァンデケイビュス、マッツ・エック、アレクサンダー・ エックマンなどの振付家の創作に参加した。 2018年ストックホルム芸術大学を修了し芸術学修士(コレオグラフィー)取得。 現在は立命館大学にて博士課程に所属する研究者でもある。
Since 2001, Hokuto has been dancing internationally with renowned dance companies e.g. GöteborgsOperans Dancekompani and The Royal Swedish Ballet, where he worked with acclaimed choreographers such as Roy Assaf, Mats Ek, Alexander Ekman, Ohad Naharin and Wim Vandekeybus to name a few. He holds MFA in Choreography from the University of Arts Stockholm (DOCH), and is currently a PhD student at the Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto.

益田さち(大阪)Sachi Masuda (Osaka)
幼少より貞松浜田バレエ団にて踊り始める。近年はakakilike、きたまり/KIKIKIKIKIKI、schatzkammer、高野裕子、多田淳之介、やなぎみわなどによる作品に出演する他、ショーケースなどで自作の発表も行う。2015年夏、ダンサー斉藤綾子とのダンスユニット…1 [アマリイチ] を結成、活動を開始。
Sachi Masuda began her early training at Sadamatsu-Hamada Ballet. She has had the opportunity to perform in works by akakilike, Kitamari/KIKIKIKIKIKI, schatzkammer, Yuko Takano, Junnosuke Tada, and Miwa Yanagi to name a few. In 2015, she formed the dance unit “...1 [amariichi]” (a remainder of one) with fellow dancer Ayako Saitoh.
Photo by Reylia Slaby
敷地理(東京)Osamu Shikichi (Tokyo)
While it is impossible to see oneself objectively from the outside, he tries to capture the reality of his being through another human being that is composed of the closest materials to him in his creations. He is interested in identifying and blurring the physical boundaries of the body in the process.