イマジナリーピーポー イン トーキョーThe Imaginary People in Tokyo
- 新宿眼科画廊 スペースOShinjuku Ophthalmologist Gallery Space O
- 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿5-18-11 Map5-18-11 Shinjyuku, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022Map
2.14 Fri 19:30 2.15 Sat 14:00 / 19:00 2.16 Sun 14:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min 2.14 Fri 19:30 2.15 Sat 14:00 / 19:00 2.16 Sun 14:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min
AudienceProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥2,000
- 日本語Japanase
We live in cities in and around Tokyo. Various people, things and thoughts come and go in the central city. While Tokyo is a place where a wide variety of things gather, some things are treated as if they do not exist. Such things may include a personal and trivial concern, troublesome person, or an abstract idea or work whose value is difficult to be found. But their existence cannot be ignored. This time we will focus on these “valueless and meaningless things” in our performance set in Tokyo.