*birdname creative company, Estonia*birdname creative company, Estonia
- YCC ヨコハマ創造都市センターYCC Yokohama Creativecity Center
- 〒231-8315 横浜市中区本町6-50-1Map6-50-1 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8315Map
2.9 Sun 15:00 / 18:00 上演時間Run Time 30分30 min 2.9 Sun 15:00 / 18:00 上演時間Run Time 30分30 min
AudienceFor general, please email to tiiu@birdname.ee to make a reservation.
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥2,500
Supported by EAS*birdname
Supported by EAS
三島由紀夫の小説『金閣寺』に触発された、バレエ作品『GOLDEN TEMPLE』。三島の小説は京都の金閣寺放火事件を元に、学僧と金閣寺の奇妙な関係を描いている。混乱した学僧は、彼を呪縛する美の根元を破壊することで自由を求める。オリジナル版はダンサー3名、演奏家1名、照明・ビデオアーティストで上演されたが、TPAM2020では3名のパフォーマー用に作り変えられ、エストニア国立バレエ団のダンサー2名、エストニア国立交響楽団首席チェロ奏者、それに能声楽家の青木涼子(日本)が参加する。
BALLET THE GOLDEN TEMPLE (Inspired by the novel of Yukio Mishima). The novel by Mishima, based on the incident of burning down the Kinkaku-ji Tempel in Kyoto follows the bizarre relationship between a young monk and the Golden Temple. In the state of confusion, the young monk is left with no choice but to destroy the source of this beauty in order to be set free. Originally performed with 2 dancers, 1 Noh actress, 1 musician, light- and videoartist, for TPAM 2020 it has been re-imagined, including dancers Roosi NÕGISTO (Estonia) and Huiyeob JEONG (S.-Korea) and principal cello of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and singer, performer Noh actress Ryoko Aoki (Japan).
*birdname – is a think tank for modern sound and human body movement (dance). It unites two composers, a choreographer, and a producer. Choreographer Teet Kask, whose most recent production is Anna Karenina at Balletto di Milano, has worked also at Estonian National Opera, Royal Swedish Ballet, and Norwegian National Ballet. Sander Mölder is a composer, music producer, and DJ. Having started as a classical cellist, his compositions are a mix of contemporary electronic sounds and classical music. Timo Steiner is a composer with an open mind who's music is characterized by playful stylistic contrasts, variant development, and block-based structure. His pieces have been played internationally.