セクション19 – 地域でのダンス儀式Seksyen 19 – A dance ritual in the neighbourhood
リー・レンシンLee Ren Xin
- Kosha33 ホール(共有セッション)Kosha33 Hall (sharing session)
- 〒231-8510 横浜市中区日本大通33Map33 Nihon-odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8510Map
2.8 Sat - 2.14 Fri儀式
2.15 Sat共有セッション 13:00 (同時通訳あり) / 16:00 (通訳なし)
2.8 Sat - 2.14 FriRitual
2.15 SatSharing session 13:00 (with Japanese interpretation) / 16:00 (without interpretation)
Run TimeRitual: to be announced the day before / Sharing session: 60 min
*The neighbourhood and schedule of the ritual are announced on the news page of this website the day before. No tickets required.
Adv & Door¥1,000 (sharing session)
Professional¥500 (sharing session)
- 共有セッション:英語(13:00の回は同時通訳あり)Sharing session: English (the session at 13:00 is with simultaneous interpretation)
プロジェクト:Lee Ren Xin
助成:Krishen Jit Astro Fund, Dance Nucleus, INXO Arts Fund, CENDANA Development Fund
Project by Lee Ren Xin
Supported by Krishen Jit Astro Fund, Dance Nucleus and INXO Arts Fund and CENDANA Development Fund
私のTPAMディレクション最終年度になる今回は、引き続きプラットフォーム、プレッシャー、パティシペーションという概念に注目し、プログラミングのポリティクスを考察しながら、その中でも「パティシペーション」に重点を置いてみたいと思います。アーティストはどのように自身を社会の中に位置づけるのか? そしてどのように問い、挑発し、挑戦するのか? 議論が終わるとき、社会/コミュニティに何が起こるのか?
レンシンの『セクション19』は、クアラルンプール近郊のペタリン・ジャヤの19区の中を歩き回ったり、そこで踊ったりするという日課を儀式として執り行なうことで、アーティストがコミュニティと関わり、その一部になろうとするプロジェクトです。ある場所において、あるひとつの身体の存在、移動、逸脱にどの程度の空間が与えられているか? 動き回る「スペクタクル」としてこの地域で18ヶ月存在し続けることで、レンシンとコミュニティの間にダンスについての/ダンスを通しての対話が生まれています。
In my final TPAM Direction, I continue to look at the politics of programming by looking at the idea of platforms, pressures and participation, and to zoom in the idea of participation. How do artists locate themselves within society? To question, to provoke, to challenge? What happens to society/community when the discussion is over?
In Ren Xin’s “Seksyen 19” project, an artist explores engagement by becoming part of a community through a ritual of daily walking and dancing in Section 19, Petaling Jaya, near Kuala Lumpur. Thus raising the question: in a given place, how much space is there for a body to be, to move about, to move beyond? By being present as a consistent movement “spectacle” in the neighbourhood, which Ren Xin has continued for 18 months, a conversation emerges between the artist and the community about/with dance.
In TPAM2020, Ren Xin will initiate this ritual for a week in a neighbourhood accessible to the public, and will share the process on the final day.
リー・レンシン(クアラルンプール)Lee Ren Xin (Kuala Lumpur)
I walk, dance, interact, and spend time to inhabit a place. The desire to work in public spaces stems from a felt need to be in the immediacy of various realities. I am drawn to how people live, how individuals (and myself) navigate through relentless structures in society, subject to varying bondage and freedom in relation to identity. I wonder about affecting visibility and (sense of) mobility, and consequently what might change on a site over time.

ジューン・タン(ファイブ・アーツ・センター プロデューサー、クアラルンプール)June Tan (Producer, Five Arts Centre, Kuala Lumpur)
June Tan is a biologist from Imperial College, London and a member of the performing arts collective Five Arts Centre (Malaysia). Her producing focus builds from a parallel experience in the corporate sector (1997–2008), and her entry into stage management since 1997. June is interested in facilitating space for difference, for discussion, and models for art making. This is seen in her initiation for platforms for art-making, and her programming for KOTAK, an independent arts space in Kuala Lumpur.