舞台芸術制作者オープンネットワーク(ON-PAM)Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM)
志田陽子、作田知樹、相馬千秋、塚口麻里子、齋藤啓、ロウ・キーホン、キャシー・ホン、丸岡ひろみYoko Shida, Tomoki Sakuta, Chiaki Soma, Mariko Tsukaguchi, Kei Saito, Low Kee Hong, Kathy Hong, Hiromi Maruoka
2.13 Thu 10:00 - 12:00 (第1部) (Part 1) / 13:30 - 15:30 (第2部) (Part 2) 2.13 Thu 10:00 - 12:00 (第1部) (Part 1) / 13:30 - 15:30 (第2部) (Part 2)
- 日本語・英語(通訳あり)Japanese and English (with interpretation)
A nationwide and international membership network that connects the performing arts and society, artists / artistic groups and audience. Aiming to change the society by empowering arts managers, it works on the definition/promotion of the social roles of the contemporary performing arts and advocacy regarding cultural policy. Two symposia will be held in TPAM.
シンポジウム&オープン・フォーラム 「芸術活動への公的支援と表現の自由について考える」Symposium & Open Forum “Public system for supporting arts and freedom of expression”
We will be discussing the issues around the public systems of funding and support towards arts, looking at the actual cases in and outside Japan. The case in Japan will focus on the incident over Aichi Triennale in which the funding by the Agency of Cultural Affairs to withdraw was withdrawn.
第1部 シンポジウム : 芸術活動への公的支援と表現の自由について考える〜「あいちトリエンナーレ」への文化庁補助金不交付問題からPart 1 Symposium: Public system for supporting arts and freedom of expression – on the decision by the Agency of Cultural Affairs to withdraw its funding to Aichi Triennale
Against the decision by the Agency of Cultural Affairs to withdraw the funding towards Aichi Triennale last year, ON-PAM has submitted the letter of protest and submitted it to the Agency with the signatures we collected. We also feel that we need to continue reviewing the public support to arts from the perspectives of law, public system and policy. With that ON-PAM activity report, we hold this symposium as part of such endeavour.
Speakers: Yoko Shida, Tomoki Sakuta, Chiaki Soma, Mariko Tsukaguchi
Facilitator: Kei Saito
第2部 オープン・フォーラム:芸術活動への公的支援と表現の自由について考える~ 国際プラットフォーム=TPAMの参加者と共にPart 2 Open Forum: Public system for supporting arts and freedom of expression- With participants of TPAM – the international platform
登壇者:ロウ・キーホン、キャシー・ホン 他
This open forum will be a place for exchanging information and views from the TPAM participants who gather from in and outside Japan on the issue of public support system of arts and freedom of expression. While relativising the case in Japan, which will have been discussed in Part 1, this Part 2 session also focuses on exploring the possibility of transnational collaboration among arts managers. To begin with, we will hear from the guests from Hong Kong and Taiwan where political and economic situations are rapidly changing.
Speakers: Low Kee Hong, Kathy Hong etc.
Moderator: Hiromi Maruoka
志田陽子Yoko Shida
武蔵野美術大学 造形学部教授(憲法、芸術法)、博士(法学)。「表現の自由」、文化的衝突をめぐる憲法問題を研究課題としている。また、映画、音楽、美術など、文化から憲法を考えることをライフワークに講演活動を行っている。主著『「表現の自由」の明日へ』(大月書店、2018年)、『合格水準 教職のための憲法』(法律文化社、2017年)、『表現者のための憲法入門』(武蔵野美術大学出版局、2015年)、『あたらしい表現活動と法』(武蔵野美術大学出版局、2018年)、『映画で学ぶ憲法』(編著)(法律文化社、2014年)。
Professor (Constitutional theory, art law), College of Art and Design, Musashino Art University, Ph.D. in Law. Main field of research is on the “freedom of expression” and issues of Constitution over cultural conflicts. Considers the research into Constitution through the viewpoints of cultural activities such as film, music and art as her lifework and conducts lectures in and outside university.

作田知樹Tomoki Sakuta
文化政策(文化行政)研究者・実務家。Arts and Lawファウンダー。行政書士(東京都行政書士会)。京都精華大学非常勤講師。東京藝術大学美術学部卒業、東京大学大学院文化資源学修士課程修了。研究者としては文化行政における表現規制を専門とし、実務家としては国際交流基金等で事業企画や助成実務に携わる。著書『クリエイターのためのアートマネジメント常識と法律』等。
Independent Arts Policy Expert. Founder of Arts and Law. Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist. Adjunct Lecturer, Kyoto Seika University. [Speciality] as a researcher: regulation of expression in Arts administration / as a practitioner: business planning and subsidy program in government arts agencies such as the Japan Foundation (before 2019), etc..

相馬千秋Chiaki Soma
Chiaki Soma produces and curates performing, contemporary, and social practice art both nationally and internationally. She founded Arts Commons Tokyo in 2014 and Theater Commons Tokyo in 2017, experimenting with applying theatrical ideas to the real world as the latter’s chairperson and director. Soma has served as performing arts curator for Aichi Triennale 2019, the Program Director of Festival/Tokyo from 2009–2013, and the Director of Steep Slope Studio in Yokohama from 2006–2010. In 2015, she received the Chevalier de L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. She has been a Specially Appointed Associate Professor at Rikkyo University’s Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology since 2016. She is a Board Member of Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM).

Photo: Yurika Kawano
塚口麻里子Mariko Tsukaguchi
舞台芸術制作者オープンネットワーク(ON-PAM)理事長兼事務局長。2006年〜17年PARC - 国際舞台芸術交流センターにてTPAM in Yokohamaプログラム・オフィサーとして国際プラットフォーム事業に携わる。舞台芸術制作者オープンネットワークの設立に参加し、2013年より常務理事兼事務局長として従事。2019年4月より現職。2009年文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度研修員としてエジンバラ、ロンドンに滞在。
President and Secretary General of Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM). She worked at Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication (PARC) and the secretariat of Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama (TPAM) as a program officer from 2006 to 2017. As a grantee of the program of overseas study for upcoming artists 2009 by Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japan, she did an internship at Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh and Riverside Studio in London.

齋藤啓(司会)Kei Saito (Facilitator)
Born in Tokyo and moved to Tottori in 2006 to take part in starting BIRD Theatre Company and BIRD Theatre. He has managed the company’s productions, venue’s annual programme, BIRD Theatre Festival and other international projects before leaving at the end of 2016 to work independently. From March 2018, he conducted a year-long internship programme in Scotland funded by Japan’s Agency of Cultural Affairs. He started working at ROHM Theatre Kyoto from January 2020. He is a Board Member of Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM).

ロウ・キーホンLow Kee Hong
Kee Hong is currently Head of Theatre at West Kowloon Cultural District. He is responsible for formulating the district’s artistic direction for Theatre Arts. In this role, he created Hong Kong’s first International Workshop Festival of Theatre, a 3-year program on new directions in Scenography, a 3-year program on dramaturgy, international residency programs with Scotland, New Zealand and Australia and new commissions with international festivals Manchester International Festival, GREC Festival Barcelona and West Kowloon’s first original Cantonese musical featuring Cantonese Opera elements.

キャシー・ホンKathy Hong
現在、台湾のアーツ・マネージャーの協会であるPerforming Arts Network Development Association(PANDA)で理事長、およびクラウド・ゲイト・ダンスシアターとボーカル・アジア・フェスティバルの顧問を務める。演劇と国際コラボレーションの分野で豊富な経験を持つアーツ・マネージャー。インディペンデントのプロデューサー、マーケティングのプロフェッショナルとして、現代演劇、ダンス、児童演劇、伝統/現代音楽の分野でアート作品と関わる。2015年にOISTAT – International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Techniciansのエグゼクティブ・ディレクター、2019年に高雄芸術センター(衛武営)でマーケティング・コミュニケーションディレクターを退任。
Kathy is an independent consultant working with artists and arts organisations. She is currently the chairperson of the Performing Arts Network Development Association (PANDA). She has served as independent producer and marketing consultant since 2001 for prominent groups and artists in contemporary theatre, dance, children's theatre, and traditional and modern music fields. She served as Executive Director at OISTAT (2012-2015) and Director of Marketing & Communications at National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts-Weiwuying (2015-2019). Hong is currently collaborating with Cloud Gate Dance Theatre as Brand Strategy Director and with Alien Art Centre and Vocal Asia Festival as consultant .

丸岡ひろみ(モデレーター)Hiromi Maruoka (Moderator)
PARC – 国際舞台芸術交流センター 理事長、TPAM – 国際舞台芸術ミーティング in 横浜 ディレクター、舞台芸術制作者オープンネットワーク(ON-PAM) 副理事長。2003年、ポストメインストリーム・パフォーミング・アーツ・フェスティバル(PPAF)を創設、PME-ART、フォースド・エンタテインメント、メゾンダールボネマ、ホテル・モダンなどを日本に紹介する。TPAMと併設してIETMアジア・サテライト・ミーティング(2008、2011年)、アジアの制作者を集めた「舞台芸術制作者ネットワーク会議」(2009年)を開催。2012年にはフェスティバル「サウンド・ライブ・トーキョー」を創設。
President of PARC – Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication, Director of TPAM – Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama and Vice President of ON-PAM – Open Network for Performing Arts Management. Established the Post Mainstream Performing Arts Festival (PPAF) in 2003 and introduced such groups as PME-ART, Forced Entertainment, MaisonDahlBonnema and Hotel Modern to Japanese audience. In conjunction with TPAM, she held two IETM Asia Satellite Meetings (2008 and 2011) and Performing Arts Presenters’ Network Conference (2009) gathering Asian presenters. In 2012, she established a festival Sound Live Tokyo.

Photo by Hideto Maezawa