まほろばの景 2020Landscape of Mahoroba 2020
烏丸ストロークロックKarasuma Stroke Rock
- 東京芸術劇場シアターイーストTokyo Metropolitan Theatre Theatre East
- 〒171-0021 東京都豊島区西池袋1-8-1Map1-8-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0021Map
2.16 Sun 13:00 / 18:00 上演時間Run Time 100分100 min 2.16 Sun 13:00 / 18:00 上演時間Run Time 100分100 min
前売25歳以下¥2,800 *要ID提示
当日25歳以下¥3,300 *要ID提示
AudienceAdv General¥3,800
Door General¥4,300
Adv U-25¥2,800 *ID required
Door U-25¥3,300 *ID required
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
- 日本語(英語資料配布)Japanese (English synopsis provided)
提携:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 東京芸術劇場
助成:アーツサポート関西Planned and organized by Karasuma Stroke Rock
Cooperated by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture Tokyo Metropolitan
Subsidized by Arts Support Kansai
Kyoto-based theater company Karasuma Stroke Rock will re-create their work Landscape of Mahoroba premiered in Kyoto and performed in Tokyo 2018 with a great success. It was presented after their residency in Sendai and creation of short pieces, dealing with the subjects of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 and the mountain worship that seems to have largely influenced the Japanese concept of nature. After its premiere, they have repeated the local research of kagura, sacred music and dance,and religious practice of shugendo in Tohoku region. They have presented a new work Celebration of Feast Day with a subject of “festivity” that have had roles of commemoration and repose of souls.
烏丸ストロークロックKarasuma Stroke Rock
Based in Kyoto,the company works all over Japan.They are acclaimed for their style of realizing a full-length piece in years by repeatedly creating short pieces developed through the research and fieldwork in the area of work’s model. Their recent work “Landscape of Mahoroba”, born from the contacts with kagura, locally descended sacred music and dance, and festivals as well as the culture and spirituality of mountain monks, and “Landscape of Mahoroba” received great responses for invoking the sense of ancient times of Japan. The playwright and director of the company, Yaginuma was nominated for the 60th Kishida Kunio Drama Award and received the Kyoto City Arts Award for Young Artists.