鮭スペアレ本公演 物狂い音楽劇『リヤ王』KING LEAR


宮越記念 久良岐能舞台(2月9日)Kuraki Noh Stage(2.9 Sun)
〒235-0021 横浜市磯子区岡村8-21-7Map8-21-7 Okamura, Isogo-ku, Yokohama 235-0021Map
銕仙会能楽研修所(2月11日)The Tessen-kai(2.11 Tue)
〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山4-21-29Map4-21-29 Minami-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062Map
2.9 Sun 14:00 / 18:00
2.11 Tue 11:00 / 14:00 / 18:00
上演時間Run Time 90分90 min
2.9 Sun 14:00 / 18:00
2.11 Tue 11:00 / 14:00 / 18:00
上演時間Run Time 90分90 min
日本語Japanese (English synopsis provided)

共催:CHABOHIBA HALL(公開リハーサルのみ)

Sponsored by SYAKE-SPEARE
Co-sponsored by CHABOHIBA HALL
Granted by Japan Arts Council


Is no one can be relieved from the anxiety of growing old? How our virtue can be driven by tenaciousness and insanity? We’d like to ask these questions throughout the play, using virtuosic physicality and impressive vocal range and music. 6 years have passed since we started to present Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet (2014-2015), Hamlet (2017-2018), and Macbeth (2018-2019). Liberated from preconceived notions of gender and age, we perform our King Lear for the very first time on the Noh stage.

Translated by Sumire Ueno



SYAKE-SPEARE was founded in 2006, based out of Tokyo: Tachikawa city. Since 2010, we have performed original musical plays with live music, using the sound of the Japanese language. Featuring dynamic and adaptable actresses using their neutral body as a blank canvas, we create original pieces that are sometimes called contemporary Noh. SHAKE-SPEARE’s “Macbeth (2018-2019)” was picked up by a magazine “American Theatre” May/June 2019 issue, and it was also introduced in the open forum in Martin E. Segal Theatre Center at City College New York. ▷www.americantheatre.org/category/issue/may-june-2019

Translated by Sumire Ueno