基調講演:金滿里氏を迎えてKeynote with Manri Kim
金滿里Manri Kim
- 横浜市開港記念会館 講堂Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall, Auditorium
- 〒231-0005 横浜市中区本町1-6Map1-6 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0005Map
2.10 Mon 10:00 - 12:00 2.10 Mon 10:00 - 12:00
*『箱庭弁当』のチケットをお持ちの方は無料でご入場いただけます。 会場受付でチケットまたはQRコード(Peatix)をご提示ください。
*Admission included in the ticket for Sandbox Bento. Please show the ticket or QR code (Peatix) at the door.
- 日本語(英語逐次通訳あり)Japanese with English consecutive interpretation
“It is out of the question to demand, ‘Listen to the voices of the oppressed.’ It should not end up in simple subversion or an anti either (from the publisher’s concept for Imaju).” The Performance Troupe TAIHEN has pursued physical expression of the physically disabled, and in their activity, art-for-art’s-sake conviction and radical activism have always co-existed. Since the establishment in 1983, the troupe has been in an extremely important and unique position in the history of Japanese performing arts and developed network with various intellectuals, journalists, activists and artists through performances and their bulletin Imaju that has marked its 25th anniversary.
In 1995, the first edition of TPAM (“Tokyo Performing Arts Market” at that time) showcased two performances, one of which was TAIHEN’s work. Expecting the second Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo and in the 37th year of the troupe, TPAM presents their latest work Sandbox Bento and invites the artistic director Manri Kim to this keynote to revisit the history of TAIHEN and discuss the philosophy of performance in “the times of intolerance.”
金滿里Manri Kim
キム・マンリ。日本で活躍した韓国古典芸能家・金紅珠(キム・ホンジュ)の末娘として生まれる。 3歳でポリオに罹患、全身麻痺の重度身障者となる。1983年、 劇団態変を旗揚げ主宰。一貫して芸術監督を務め、 劇団と自身のソロを合わせ75作品の作・演出・出演を行なう(2019年11月時点)。1992年ケニア公演を皮切りに、 アジア・ヨーロッパでの海外公演も多数。 国内外で身体表現ワークショップを実施、障碍・ 健常を問わず指導を行なっている。
Manri Kim was born as the youngest daughter of Hong Ju Kim, a Korean traditional performer who worked actively in Japan. Infected with polio at the age of three, she became severely handicapped with total paralysis. She founded the Performance Troupe TAIHEN in 1983 and has been its artistic director writing for, directing and performing in 75 works (as of November 2019) including her solo works. Since performing in Kenya in 1992, she has toured many times in Asia and Europe. She has also carried out physical expression workshop across Japan and internationally regardless of whether the participants are disabled or not.

丸岡ひろみ(モデレーター)Hiromi Maruoka (Moderator)
PARC – 国際舞台芸術交流センター 理事長、TPAM – 国際舞台芸術ミーティング in 横浜 ディレクター、舞台芸術制作者オープンネットワーク(ON-PAM) 副理事長。2003年、ポストメインストリーム・パフォーミング・アーツ・フェスティバル(PPAF)を創設、PME-ART、フォースド・エンタテインメント、メゾンダールボネマ、ホテル・モダンなどを日本に紹介する。TPAMと併設してIETMアジア・サテライト・ミーティング(2008、2011年)、アジアの制作者を集めた「舞台芸術制作者ネットワーク会議」(2009年)を開催。2012年にはフェスティバル「サウンド・ライブ・トーキョー」を創設。
President of PARC – Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication, Director of TPAM – Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama and Vice President of ON-PAM – Open Network for Performing Arts Management. Established the Post Mainstream Performing Arts Festival (PPAF) in 2003 and introduced such groups as PME-ART, Forced Entertainment, MaisonDahlBonnema and Hotel Modern to Japanese audience. In conjunction with TPAM, she held two IETM Asia Satellite Meetings (2008 and 2011) and Performing Arts Presenters’ Network Conference (2009) gathering Asian presenters. In 2012, she established a festival Sound Live Tokyo.

Photo by Hideto Maezawa