『DANCE DANCE ASIA–Crossing the Movements(DDA)』ストリートダンスによる国際共同制作プロジェクトの最新動向DANCE DANCE ASIA–Crossing the Movements, the Latest Developments of an International Street Dance Collaboration Project
- mass×mass 関内フューチャーセンターmass×mass Kannai Future Center
- 〒231-0003 横浜市中区北仲通3-33Map3-33 Kitanaka-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0003Map
2.13 Thu 14:00 - 16:00 2.13 Thu 14:00 - 16:00
*Open to registered TPAM attendees and the general public.
*Pre-registration is available on the DDA official website.
*Open for drop-in participantsProfessional¥0
- タイ語↔︎日本語・英語通訳あり、日本語↔︎英語通訳ありThai, English and Japanese (with English and Japanese interpretation)
主催・企画:国際交流基金アジアセンター 、株式会社パルコ
Organized and Planned by: The Japan Foundation Asia Center and PARCO Co., Ltd.
DANCE DANCE ASIA-Crossing the Movements(DDA)は、国際交流基金アジアセンターと株式会社パルコによる、ストリートダンスを軸とする国際共同制作プロジェクトです。舞台作品の制作を通し、日本と東南アジアのダンス交流促進と新たな芸術創造を目指しています。これまで9か国で17回の公演を実施、総観客動員数は延べ35,000人を超えています。本イベントでは、DDAの過去5年間の実践と、これからの国際共同制作の可能性を、振付家・演出家・ダンサーによるトークで紹介します。
DANCE DANCE ASIA–Crossing the Movements (DDA) is a project by the Japan Foundation Asia Center and PARCO Co., Ltd. fostering street dance collaborations in Japan and Southeast Asia. To date, DDA has staged 17 performances in nine countries for audiences of over 35,000. In this session, choreographers, directors, and dancers introduce DDA’s five years of activities and discuss future possibilities for international co-productions.
第1部 14:00-15:00Part 1: 14:00-15:00
Two choreographer-directors present their international street dance collaborations, sharing the ideas they incorporated as well as their creative process that fuses contemporary dance and theater approaches.
Presenters: Nikii (Thailand), 3T (Vietnam)
第2部 15:10-16:00Part 2: 15:10-16:00
Fresh from performing at DDA 2019 in Tokyo, FISHBOY and KATSUYA discuss with Nikii and 3T how street dance’s potential can spread through international collaboration.
3T(Phạm Khánh Linh、ベトナム)3T (Phạm Khánh Linh, Vietnam)
1988年生まれ、ハノイ出身。2003年からダンスを始め、Bboyとして「GOT TO DANCE VIETNAM competition 2014」、「VU DIEU GREEN VIETNAM 2013」で優勝。またBattle Of The YearやR16、FREESTYLE SESSION等でも数々のタイトルを獲得。2012年よりコンテンポラリーダンス界でも活躍。
Born in Hanoi in 1988, 3T started his dance career in 2003. His B-boying prowess won him both Got to Dance Vietnam Competition 2014 and Vu Dieu Green Vietnam 2013. He has won other titles at such prestigious contests as Battle of the Year, R16, and Freestyle Session. Since 2012, he has also worked in contemporary dance.

1990年生まれ、熊本県出身。小学生の頃からダンスを始め、日本最大のダンスイベントOld School Nightで3回優勝。テレビ番組『スーパーチャンプル』(CTV)などに出演。世界大会UK BBOY Championshipsソロバトルで日本代表、ブレイキンのワールドカップBattle Of The Yearで「The Floorriorz」として3連覇、国内外の舞台公演でも活躍。
Born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1990, KATSUYA started dancing from elementary school and went on to win Japan’s top dance event Old School Night three times. His television appearances include Super Chample on Chukyo TV. He represented Japan for the solo battle at the UK B-Boy Championships and won Battle of the Year, known as the “World Cup of B-boying,” three years in a row as part of the group The Floorriorz. He also performs in stage productions at home and abroad.

Nikii(タイ)Nikii (Thailand)
1984年生まれ、チェンマイ出身。振付家、ダンサー。6歳からダンスを始め、ブレイキン、ヒップホップ、ポッピングからロッキング、ソウル、ラテン、ストリートジャズまで様々なジャンルをこなし、振付の他に、国内外でダンス競技会の審査員も務めている。タイの人気ダンスカンパニー THE ZOO THAILANDの芸術監督。
Born in Chiang Mai in 1984, Nikii is a choreographer and dancer. He started dancing from the age of six and works across a wide range of genres from breaking to hip hop, popping, locking, soul, Latin, and street jazz. In addition to his own choreography, he also serves as a judge for dance contests in Thailand and internationally. He is the artistic director of the popular dance company The ZOO Thailand.

1985年生まれ、大阪府出身。中学生からダンスを始め、DANCE FLASH等で優勝。KITEとのコンビで、JUSTE DEBOUT2009(フランス)にて優勝。アディダスオリジナルと日本人ダンサー初のスポンサード契約を結ぶ。RADIO FISHのメンバーとして、第49回日本有線大賞・有線話題賞、第58回日本レコード大賞・企画賞、WebTVAsia Awards 2016 年間最優秀楽曲賞を受賞。
Born in Osaka Prefecture in 1985, FISHBOY started dancing in junior high school and went on to win DANCE FLASH. Together with KITE, he won the hip hop dance contest Juste Debout 2009. He was the first Japanese dancer to sign a sponsorship deal with adidas Originals. He also performs as a member of RADIO FISH, which won the Yusen Buzz Award at the 49th Japan Cable Awards, the Planning Award at the 58th Japan Record Awards, and Song of the Year at the WebTVAsia Awards 2016.