Co. Ruri Mito Co. Ruri Mito
Co. Ruri Mito Co. Ruri Mito
2.9 Sun 13:00 - 13:45 2.9 Sun 13:00 - 13:45
¥1,000 (Priority given to those with a reservation. Ticket sales will end when seats are full.)
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
- 日本語・英語Japanese and English
Supported by the Saison Foundation
Co. Ruri Mitoのオープンスタジオ。 新作のワークインプログレスを公開。
In the open studio of Co. Ruri Mito, they will present a work-in-progress performance of the new work.
Co. Ruri MitoCo. Ruri Mito
三東瑠璃主宰のダンスカンパニー。個々の身体の特徴を深く探求しながら時間をかけて質の高い作品の創作を目指している。これまでに『みづうみ』(2017年)、『住処』(2018年)、後藤正文(ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION)とのコラボレーション作品『MeMe』(2019年)を発表している。2019年、SICF 20 Playにて特別賞を受賞。
Co. Ruri Mito is a dance company directed by Ruri Mito. Its aim is to create a sophisticated dance piece by spending a substantial amount of time in research of each body's character. Sensitivity of body, preciseness of movement, breathing, and sensation in the skin are important components in Mito's work. So far, it created The Lake (2017), Sumika (2018), and MeMe (2019). In 2019, the company won the Special Jury's prize at Spiral Independent Creators Festival 20 Play. The company had it’s first Japan tour in 2019 and it is going to Europe tour in Paris, Budapest, Bucharest, and Prague in March, 2020.