桜/桜爆弾Cherry Blossom / Cherry Bomb
- 〒231-0045 横浜市中区伊勢佐木町1-3-1 伊勢ビル地下1FMapIse Bldg. B1F, 1-3-1 Isezaki-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0045 Map
2.13 Thu 19:30 上演時間Run Time 45分45 min 2.13 Thu 19:30 上演時間Run Time 45分45 min
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥300 discount
- 英語English
Cherry Blossom / Cherry Bomb is a piece that explores the internal conflict of being mixed race, namely Japanese-American, and how the larger social-political manifestation of this (most notably, the atomic bomb) is reflected internally. This collision has also resulted in people like me—hapa/hafu. The piece is in development. It will be funny, immersive, visual, and poignant.
王立演劇学校(RADA)「MA Theatre Lab」の卒業生。ハワイ・ホノルル出身。スタンフォード大学でクリエイティブライティングを専攻した後、演技に対する興味を追求するため拠点をニューヨークへ移す。ステラ・アドラー演劇学校に所属する他、オリンピア・デュカキス、ジム・カルダー、ジャネット・ザリシュ、クリストファー・ベイズやステファン・ワンらに個別に師事する。オフ・ブロードウェイ作品への出演で経験を積み、王立演劇学校での本格的な訓練を開始した。自身のカンパニー「The Undertow Collective」と完成させたばかりである身体的な作品が先月ロンドンで初演を迎えた。
Anna Walden is a recent graduate of the MA Theatre Lab at RADA. Anna is from Honolulu Hawaii, and did her undergraduate degree in creative writing at Stanford University, after which she moved to New York City to pursue her interest in acting. There, she studied at the Stella Adler Studio, as well as individually under the instruction of teachers such as, Olympia Dukakis, Jim Calder, Janet Zarish, Christopher Bayes, and Stephen Wangh. Anna performed in several off-broadway productions, after which she engaged in a formal training at RADA. She most recently devised a physical theatre piece with her company, The Undertow collective, that premiered last month in London.