アジア・ネットワーク・フォー・ダンス(AND+)Asia Network for Dance (AND+)
小野晋司、ダニエル・コック、アナ・CY・チャン、ジャッキー・フン、ジャヤチャンドラン・パラジー、ビルキス・ヒジャス、クレア・ヒックス、アンジェラ・コンケ、ジャラ・アドルフスShinji Ono, Daniel Kok, Anna CY Chan, Jacky Fung, Jayachandran Palazhy, Bilqis Hijjas, Claire Hicks, Angela Conquet, Jala Adolphus
2.14 Fri 10:00 - 17:00 2.14 Fri 10:00 - 17:00
- 英語・日本語(同時通訳あり)English and Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation)
AND+ is a network dedicated to connecting, developing and empowering contemporary practice in dance within Asia. At TPAM2020, AND+ discusses three main topics: developing artistic practices, residency contexts and ethical considerations. The discussions will play a pivotal part in the subsequent projects and recommendations of AND+ in 2020.
AND+ invites colleagues in Asia and around the world to join us on February 14, 2020 to find out how you can connect and how we work. The group will host a plenary session addressing the three topics with artists, producers and presenters. In the matinee session, workshops on the three topics invite you to further discussions and push toward the next steps.
10:00-13:00 全体会議10:00-13:00 Plenary Session
小野晋司(横浜赤レンガ倉庫1号館 館長、日本)
モデレーター:ダニエル・コック(Dance Nucleus 芸術監督、シンガポール)、アナ・CY・チャン(The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Dean, School of Dance and Dance Advisor West Kowloon、香港)
モデレーター:ジャヤチャンドラン・パラジー(Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts 芸術監督、インド)、ジャッキー・フン(City Contemporary Dance Company, Manager (Programme/China Dance Development)、香港)
モデレーター:ビルキス・ヒジャス(MyDance Alliance 代表/Rimbun Dahan ダンスプログラムディレクター、マレーシア)
Introduction to AND+
Shinji Ono (Director, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Number 1, Japan)
Discussion 1: Developing Artistic Practice in Dance
Moderator: Daniel Kok (Artistic Director, Dance Nucleus, Singapore), Anna CY Chan (The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Dean, School of Dance and Dance Advisor West Kowloon, Hong Kong)
Discussion 2: Defining Expectations in Residency Contexts
Moderator: Jayachandran Palazhy (Artistic Director, Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts, India), Jacky Fung (City Contemporary Dance Company, Manager (Programme/China Dance Development) Hong Kong)
Discussion 3: Encouraging Ethical Guidelines for Professional Practices
Moderator: Bilqis Hijjas (President, MyDance Alliance / Dance Programme Director, Rimbun Dahan, Malaysia)
14:30-17:00 ワークショップ・セッション14:30-17:00 Workshop Session
リーダー:クレア・ヒックス(Critical Path ディレクター、オーストラリア)
リーダー:アンジェラ・コンケ(Dancehouse CEO・芸術監督、オーストラリア)
Workshop 1: Developing Artistic Practice in Dance
Leader: Claire Hicks (Director, Critical Path, Australia)
Workshop 2: Defining Expectations in Residency Contexts
Leader: Angela Conquet (CEO and Artistic Director, Dancehouse, Australia)
Workshop 3: Encouraging Ethical Guidelines for Professional Practices
Leader: Jala Adolphus (Independent Producer, Indonesia)
小野晋司Shinji Ono
2020年2月の開催で25回目を迎える「横浜ダンスコレクション」や「HOTPOT東アジア・ダンスプラットフォーム」をプロデュースし内外のアーティストや制作者、フェスティバルや劇場と協働。横浜の街全体を舞台に繰り広げる3年に一度のダンスの祭典「Dance Dance Dance@YOKOHAMA 2015/2018」事務局長。一般社団法人ダンス・ニッポン・アソシエイツ理事、日本ダンスフォーラム(JaDaFo)メンバー、AND+(Asia Network for Dance)コアメンバー。
Shinji has produced the 25th Yokohama Dance Collection in February 2020 and the HOTPOT East Asia Dance Platform collaborating with national/international artists and producers, festivals and theatres. Secretary General of the Dance Dance Dance@Yokohama 2015/2018, a triennale dance festival that covers the entire city of Yokohama. Director of the Dance Nippon Associates, a member of Japan Dance Forum (JaDaFo) and a core member of AND+(Asia Network for Dance).

ダニエル・コックDaniel Kok
ロンドンのゴールドスミス大学で、美術と批判理論で学士号(優等)を、ベルリンの大学連合ダンスセンターで、ソロ/ダンス/オーサーシップ(SODA)の修士号、そして、ブリュッセル(2014)で、パフォーマンスと舞台美術の上位研究の修士号を取得している。2008年、国立芸術協議会(シンガポール)から芸術新人賞を授与された。現在取り組んでいる『xhe』は、2018年10月にシンガポールのエスプラネードで初演される予定の継続的なパフォーマンス・インスタレーションである。Dance Nucleusの芸術監督。
Daniel Kok holds a Bachelor’s degree (Honours) in Fine Art & Critical Theory at Goldsmiths College in London, a Master’s degree in Solo/Dance/Authorship (SODA) at the Inter-University Centre for Dance in Berlin, and Advanced Performance and Scenography Studies in Brussels (2014). In 2008, he received the Young Artist Award from the National Arts Council (Singapore). His current work, xhe, is a durational performance-installation that will premiere at the Esplanade in Singapore in Oct 2018. Daniel is also the Artistic Director of Dance Nucleus.

アナ・CY・チャンAnna CY Chan
Anna CY Chan is a practicing arts educator, performer, producer, curator and administrator for years. She received her professional dance training in Hong Kong, Australia and the UK, and holds a Professional Dancer Diploma from the Royal Ballet School (London), an MA degree in Dance Studies from the University of Surrey and M.Ed degree from the University of Sheffield.

ジャヤチャンドラン・パラジーJayachandran Palazhy
インドを代表するコンテンポラリーダンス協会であるAttakkalari Centre for Movement Arts(バンガロール)の芸術監督。振付家、教師、ダンサーでもあり、さまざまな形式のダンスに精通している。最近は、ダンスアーティストとその協力者たちの手でオリジナル作品の製作とツアーを行うため、新進振付家のためのアジアプラットフォーム、そしてアートとメディアの学際的インキュベーションセンターを手がけた。
Jayachandran Palazhy is the Artistic Director of Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts (Bangalore), India’s leading contemporary dance organisation. He is also a choreographer, teacher and dancer who has trained in many dance forms. His latest initiative is an Asia Platform for emerging choreographers and an interdisciplinary Incubation Centre for the Arts and Media to produce and tour original works by dance artists and their collaborators.

ジャッキー・フンJacky Fung
香港中文大学で文化マネージメントの修士号、また香港演劇学院の演劇学部で演技の学士号と、工芸技術学部で舞台技術とマネージメントの学位を取得している。現在、CCDC(City Contemporary Dance Company)のマネージャーであり、プログラムの戦略的計画と実施、およびパートナーシップ企画におけるさまざまなアーティストとの連携に尽力しながら、中国舞踊開発計画のための普及啓発計画と交流活動も企画している。
Jacky Fung holds a Master’s degree in Cultural Management from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting and the Diploma in Stage Technology and Management respectively from the School of Drama and the School of Technical Arts at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Jacky is currently the manager at the City Contemporary Dance Company CCDC Dance Centre, focusing on strategic planning and implementation of programs, as well as liaising with various artists in the partnership programs. He also organises the outreach programmes and exchange activities for China Dance Development Programmes.

ビルキス・ヒジャスBilqis Hijjas
マレーシアのクアラルンプールでダンスに関する執筆、製作、出演、指導を行う。マレーシアのダンスを支援する会員組織であるMyDance Allianceの代表として、新進振付家のために、地域のプロダクション、ワークショップだけでなく、持続的なパフォーマンスプラットフォーム、ダンスフェスティバル、指導プログラムを企画している。また、クアラルンプール郊外にあり、コンテンポラリーダンスの振付家が滞在可能な私設の芸術センター、Rimbun Dahanでダンスプログラムを演出している。
Bilqis Hijjas writes, produces, performs and teaches dance in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As the President of MyDance Alliance, a membership organization supporting dance in Malaysia, she has programmed and produced recurring performance platforms, dance festivals, and mentorship programs for emerging choreographers, as well as various other local productions and workshops. Bilqis also directs the dance program at private arts centre Rimbun Dahan outside Kuala Lumpur, which offers residencies for contemporary dance choreographers.

クレア・ヒックスClaire Hicks
振付の研究開発において優れた組織であるCritical Path(オーストラリア)のディレクター。シドニーで、レジデンシー、ワークショップ、ラボ、スタジオプレゼンテーション、対話型イベントなどの幅広いプログラムを提供している。独立したプロデューサーかつ、キュレーターとして、自身の作品においてはドラマトゥルグと講演を組み込んでいる。以前は、Dance4国際振付開発センター(英国、ノッティンガム)のプロデューサーであり、アーティストの育成や芸術形式の発展、観客の開発を担当していた。
Claire Hicks is the Director of Critical Path (Australia), a leading organization for choreographic research and development. Located in Sydney, it delivers a broad program including residencies, workshops, labs, studio presentations and dialogue events. As an independent producer/curator, Claire’s work includes dramaturgy and discourse. Previously she was the Producer for Dance4 international choreographic development centre (Nottingham, UK) and was responsible for the development of artist, art form and audience.

アンジェラ・コンケAngela Conquet
CEO and Artistic Director of Dancehouse. Under her tenure, Dancehouse has cemented its position as a centre for the independent dance sector with significant local impact and remarkable international reach. Her generative and proactive vision has been instrumental in orchestrating and enabling new models and new partnerships. She has reimagined Dancehouse’s relationship with artists, audiences and networks to broaden horizons and deepen engagement. Her current interests are in new cultural policies and alternative economic models that value the arts. She is a fierce advocate of the independent sector and a facilitator of connections and networks between artists, arts organizations and ideas.

ジャラ・アドルフスJala Adolphus
Jala Adolphus is an independent producer and editor in the field of contemporary dance. She produces for a selection of leading Indonesian choreographers and directors that work across the mediums of stage and film including Eko Supriyanto, Garin Nugroho and Rianto. As a member of the Asian Producers Platform and core working member of the Asian Network For Dance, Jala is dedicated to supporting the voice of Indonesia’s leading contemporary performing artists, working on the supporting structure for the development and international touring of their work.