横浜で、アートと地域の関わりについて考える場・アートサイトラウンジArtsite Lounge offers the place in Yokohama where people can deliberate how art is integrated into local community
福田毅、山田カイル、安武宗吾Takeshi Fukuda, Kyle Yamada, Sogo Yasutake
2.16 Sun 10:00 - 12:00 2.16 Sun 10:00 - 12:00
- 日本語(通訳なし)Japanese (without interpretation)
How time would go by when artists reside in the city and cultivate their art works in relation to the community?
Installed activities such as WAKABACHO WHARF where the Artist In Residence plan, under the concept of “A theater with the place to stay/a studio with a theater/an accommodation with a studio”, is proceeded and Isogo-ku Shogaisya Chiiki Katsudo Home (literally means the facility for community activities for physically challenged people in Isogo ward) where a variety of physically challenged people reside in the city as the artists will be instantiated and introduced. Inviting Takeshi Fukuda, an actor who has created and presented his performance pieces using the city as the stage, we will explore the significance of the encounter between artists and the city as alterities.
Facilitator: Tomomi Ikeda (Yokohama Artsite Committee/ST Spot Yokohama)
*Yokohama Artsite provides the opportunity of training and exchange under the policy of Culture and Tourism Bureau of Yokohama. Anyone who is interested in the community-based culture is eligible to participate.
Website: https://y-artsite.org/
福田毅Takeshi Fukuda
He is a member of both Shigeki Nakano+frankens (commonly called Nakafra) and Shigeki Sotono+frankens (commonly called Sotofra). Actor. Playwright, director, performer etc. for the solo performance which has been presented both in Japan and internationally in a variety of different venues like a café, theater foyer or inside a train.

山田カイル(若葉町ウォーフ)Kyle Yamada (WAKABACHO WHARF)
Director/Dramaturg. Director of Allergen Theatre. Born in Texas, USA in 1993, and grew up in Aomori in Japan after. Recently presented a dance piece called TransLater which addressed physical body distortion when they “translate.” As an assistant producer of WAKABACHO WHARF which is the private art center in Yokohama, he pursues forming a community among performing arts practitioners in Asia.

安武宗吾(磯子区障害者地域活動ホーム)Sogo Yasutake (Isogo-ku Shogaisya Chiiki Katsudo Home)
1978年神奈川県生まれ。高2の春、山手美術セミナーで、老若男女多様に集まるコミュニティの魅力を知り、画家:坂下昿吉の表現に触れ、表現の可能性に興味が湧き、画家の道を目指すが、30歳で車椅子制作の技術職になった。2011年よりNPO法人新の職員として、障害者と私の関係を軸に「ぼくのあたりまえは きみのあたりまえと ちがってる だから おもしろい」そんな、あたりまえが豊かに繋がる方法を現在、模索中。
Born in Kanagawa prefecture in 1978. In spring in his second grade of high school, he was attracted by the community members of Yamate Art Seminar which was consists of men and women of all ages. Being influenced by Koukichi SAKASHITA’s expression in his painting, he became interested in exploring the possibility of expression and tried to be a painter. At the age of 30, he became a technician to assemble wheelchairs. Since 2011, he has worked for the Nonprofit Organization Arata. The basis of his work is the relationship between him and the physically challenged. He is currently seeking for the difference in ordinary circumstances to be more present in society under the policy “It is interesting for both sides because my ordinary circumstances are different from yours.”