unwritten conversationunwritten conversation
fieldworks / ハイネ・アヴダル & 篠崎由紀子 + サラ・ヤンセンfieldworks / Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki + Sara Jansen
- KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 大スタジオKAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre, Large Studio
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町281Map281 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama 231-0023 Map
2.16 Sun 14:30 上演時間Run Time 50分50 min 2.16 Sun 14:30 上演時間Run Time 50分50 min
Adv & Door¥2,000
- 英語(日本語訳配布)English (Japanese translation provided)
製作:Heine Avdal (オスロ), fieldworks (ブリュッセル)
助成:Norsk kulturråd, Flanders
ツアー助成:apap – performing Europe 2020, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, Performing Arts Hub Norway
Heine Avdal, Sara Jansen, 篠崎由紀子による
ドラマトゥルギー・テクスト:Sara Jansen
振付:Heine Avdal, 篠崎由紀子
fieldworksによる公演『nothing’s for something』(2.9)、『unannounced』(2.13-15)の情報はこちら
Produced by: Heine Avdal (Oslo), fieldworks (Brussels)
Funded by: Norsk kulturråd, Flanders
Supported by: apap – performing Europe 2020, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, Performing Arts Hub Norway
Special thanks: Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo
By and with: Heine Avdal, Sara Jansen, Yukiko Shinozaki
Dramaturgy and text: Sara Jansen
Choreography: Heine Avdal, Yukiko Shinozaki
Technical coordinator: Ryoya Fudetani
Find information about fieldworks’ performances nothing’s for something (2.9) and unannounced (2.13-15)
fieldworksの『unwritten conversations』は、長年の、あるいは新しいコラボレーターを招き、即興的なセッティングで「上演」されるノマディックな自己言及的リサーチプロジェクトです。『unwritten conversation』はそのバリエーションの1つで、ダンス研究者/ドラマトゥルクのサラ・ヤンセンとともに2018年6月に開始したワーク・イン・プログレス。これまでに、ライブで注釈を加えられるカンファレンス、ロケーション・スペシフィックなウォーキングレクチャー、さまざまな形態の出版などのフォーマットで実施されています。
fieldworksのアーカイブを再訪し、それをいろいろなやり方で(再)活性化しながら、『unwritten conversation』はそれ自体のアーカイブをも生成します。fieldworksの近年の作品の主要な特質を研究しながら、彼らが時間をかけて確立した振付戦略を体現しようともします。そして、パフォーマティヴなライティング、ライティングのパフォーマンスの可能性と戯れ、レクチャーの通常のフォーマットにパフォーマティヴな介入を導入することで、芸術的実践と理論、振付とライティングの境界を超えようとします。
Started as a variation of fieldworks’ nomadic self-reflexive research project unwritten conversations that have been created in improvised settings inviting their long-time or new collaborators, unwritten conversation is a work-in-progress that started in June 2018 with dance scholar and dramaturge Sara Jansen that has taken the formats of a conference presentation annotated live, location-specific lecture-performance walk and different types of publications.
Revisiting and variously (re-)animating the fieldworks’ archive, unwritten conversation also generates an archive of its own. While exploring the key characteristics of fieldworks’ recent oeuvre, it also aims to embody the choreographic strategies developed by the artists over the years. It pushes the boundaries between artistic practice and theory, and between choreography and writing, by playing with the possibilities of performative writing and the performance of writing and inserting performative interventions into the conventional lecture format.
fieldworks / ハイネ・アヴダル & 篠崎由紀子(ブリュッセル/オスロ/東京)fieldworks / Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki (Brussels/Oslo/Tokyo)
Avdal & Shinozaki are concerned with “performativity.” Their work allows for an open interpretation of movement as a heterogeneous combination of a variety of media. The artists draw on a broad range of disciplines and expertise: performance, dance, visual arts, video, music, and technology. Every performance plays on the tension and contrast between the body and objects, fiction and non-fiction, the tangible and the invisible, the organic and the artificial. Their productions include the exploration of the relationship between audience and performers, the non-hierarchical approach to the various elements of performance, and the exploration of both theatrical and non-theatrical environments.

Photo by Heine Avdal
サラ・ヤンセン(ブリュッセル)Sara Jansen (Brussels)
ダンス研究者/ドラマトゥルク。パフォーマンス研究と日本研究の学位を持ち、a.o.、アンヌ・テレサ・ドゥ・ケースマイケル/ローザス、トラジャル・ハレル、fieldworks / ハイネ・アヴダル & 篠崎由紀子などとコラボレーションを行なっている。2018年からアヴダル、篠崎と共に取り組んでいるパフォーマンスのシリーズ『unwritten conversation』では、振付のナレッジを探究し、振付、アーカイブ、ライティングが交差する地点でさまざまな戦略を試行している。
Sara Jansen is dance scholar and dramaturge. She holds degrees in Performance Studies and Japanese Studies, and collaborated on dance productions by, a.o., Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker/Rosas, Trajal Harrell, and fieldworks / Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki. Since 2018, she works with Avdal and Shinozaki on unwritten conversation, a series of performances exploring choreographic knowledge, and experimenting with strategies at the intersection of choreographic, archive, and writing practices.

Photo by Jonas Maes