fieldworks / ハイネ・アヴダル & 篠崎由紀子fieldworks / Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki
- KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 大スタジオKAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre, Large Studio
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町281Map281 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama 231-0023 Map
2.13 Thu 16:00 / 19:00 2.14 Fri 16:00 / 19:00 2.15 Sat 14:30 / 17:30 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min *開演時間を過ぎるとご入場いただけません。
2.13 Thu 16:00 / 19:00 2.14 Fri 16:00 / 19:00 2.15 Sat 14:30 / 17:30 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min *Latecomers are not accepted.
Adv & Door¥3,500
- 英語(日本語訳あり)English (with Japanese translation)
製作:fieldworks (ブリュッセル), Heine Avdal (オスロ)
共同製作:PACT Zollverien (エッセン), BUDA (コルトレイク), BIT Teatergarasjen (ベルゲン), Kaaitheater (ブリュッセル), STUK (ルーヴェン), Teaterhuset Avantgarden (トロンハイム), Black Box teater (オスロ)
助成:Norsk Kulturråd, Flanders, VGC
ツアー助成:apap – performing Europe 2020, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, Performing Arts Hub Norway
コンセプト・演出:Heine Avdal, 篠崎由紀子
創作・出演:Heine Avdal, Gabel Eiben, Ingrid Haakstad, 長内裕美, Krisjanis Sants, Orfee Schuijt, 篠崎由紀子
ドラマトゥルギー・テクスト:André Eiermann
ドローイング:Orfee Schuijt
音響・エレクトロニクス:Johann Loiseau
照明:Hans Meijer
照明技術:Michael Janssens
メディア・アーティスト:Julie Pfleiderer
エレクトロニクス・アシスタント:Matthieu Virot
制作:Bob Van Langendonck
fieldworksによる公演『nothing’s for something』(2.9)、『unwritten conversation』(2.16)の情報はこちら
Produced by: fieldworks (Brussels), Heine Avdal (Oslo)
Co-produced by: PACT Zollverien (Essen), BUDA (Kortrijk), BIT Teatergarasjen (Bergen), Kaaitheater (Brussels), STUK (Leuven), Teaterhuset Avantgarden (Trondheim), Black Box teater (Oslo)
Funded by: Norsk Kulturråd, Flanders, VGC
Supported by: apap – performing Europe 2020, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, Performing Arts Hub Norway
Special thanks: Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo
Concept and direction: Heine Avdal, Yukiko Shinozaki
Created and performed by: Heine Avdal, Gabel Eiben, Ingrid Haakstad, Yumi Osanai, Krisjanis Sants, Orfee Schuijt, Yukiko Shinozaki
Dramaturgy and text: André Eiermann
Drawings: Orfee Schuijt
Sound design and electronics: Johann Loiseau
Lighting design: Hans Meijer
Light technique: Michael Janssens
Media artist: Julie Pfleiderer
Assistant electronics: Matthieu Virot
Technical coordinator: Ryoya Fudetani
Management: Bob Van Langendonck
Find information about fieldworks’ performances nothing’s for something (2.9) and unwritten conversation (2.16)
fieldworksの『unannounced』は、彼らの過去の全作品(2015年に東京で初演された、建物全館を使うサイト・スペシフィック・インスタレーション/パフォーマンス『carry on』を含む)の性質をあわせ持ちつつ、劇場においてそれをさらに先へと進める最新作です。
unannounced is the latest work of fieldworks that maintains all the qualities of their previous works (including carry on, a site-specific installation-performance that interacts with a building as a whole, which was premiered in Tokyo in 2015), yet takes them to the next level, in a theatre.
unannounced does not start when the dancers walk onto the stage, and it does not end when they make their last exit from the podium. They draw attention to, and imaginatively transform, the space(s) in which they and spectators find themselves by animating and estranging elements and components of the theatre — props, utilities, technical equipment, sound and light, the floor, walls and curtains — with subtle interventions and modifications.
This materialist, yet poetic, non-hierarchical exploration of everything that exists in the architectural, administrative, social and cultural structure called theatre focuses our gazes on its nooks, crannies and smallest details, and at the same time, makes its invisible substructure tangible.
fieldworks / ハイネ・アヴダル & 篠崎由紀子(ブリュッセル/オスロ/東京)fieldworks / Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki (Brussels/Oslo/Tokyo)
Avdal & Shinozaki are concerned with “performativity.” Their work allows for an open interpretation of movement as a heterogeneous combination of a variety of media. The artists draw on a broad range of disciplines and expertise: performance, dance, visual arts, video, music, and technology. Every performance plays on the tension and contrast between the body and objects, fiction and non-fiction, the tangible and the invisible, the organic and the artificial. Their productions include the exploration of the relationship between audience and performers, the non-hierarchical approach to the various elements of performance, and the exploration of both theatrical and non-theatrical environments.

Photo by Heine Avdal