はらぺこ満月 4品目『さんかくまる』HarapekoFullmoon 4th dish "triangle circle"
- 〒220-0012 横浜市西区みなとみらい2-2-1 ランドマークプラザ B1FMapLandmark Plaza B1F, 2-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-001Map
2.13 Thu 20:00 2.14 Fri 15:00 / 19:00 2.15 Sat 11:00 / 15:00 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min アフタートーク有(2.14 Fri 15:00 / 2.15 Sat 11:00)
2.13 Thu 20:00 2.14 Fri 15:00 / 19:00 2.15 Sat 11:00 / 15:00 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min Post-performance talk (2.14 Fri 15:00 / 2.15 Sat 11:00)
AudienceAdv General¥2,500
Door General¥3,000
High school student and below¥1,000 *ID required
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
- 日本語(英語字幕あり)Japanese (subtitled in English)
I can see the Dockyard garden through my window. It is a recreation Japan's oldest existing stone dock, apparently.... That's what I heard when I was eating a rice ball from my lunch box, anyway. This is a story about ships and rice balls.
物と人との間のこと、時の流れと共に忘れてしまったことなどを…思い出したり見つめなおしたり、つなぎなおしたりすることを試みるプロジェクト。主に「食」と「土地」にまつわることと、「身体」との関係性を探る。喫茶店や元銭湯で上演するなど、場から物語を紡ぎ現実とフィクションが交差する作品を多数上演。“はらぺこ満月” という名は地球が周り生ある限り、”空腹”と”満月の夜”は共に等しくやってくることから由来。
This project attempts to remember, closely reexamine, and reestablish connections, focusing on both the gap between people and things, and also on things that have been forgotten along with the passage of time. This project conducts an in-depth exploration of the relationship of the body to food and the land. Staged many works in places like cafes and former-bathhouses, weaving a tale tied to a specific location and creating works where fiction and reality intersect. "Harapeko" means "to be hungry" in Japanese, and the name HarapekoFullmoon comes from the idea that as along as the earth continues to rotate and people continue to live on it, hunger and full moons will both continue to exist.