青年団国際演劇交流プロジェクト2019『東京ノート・インターナショナルバージョン』Seinendan International Theater Exchange Project 2019 “Tokyo Notes International version”
- 吉祥寺シアターKichijoji Theatre
- 〒180-0004 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町1-33-22Map1-33-22 Honmachi, Kichijoji, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004Map
2.8 Sat 14:00 2.9 Sun 13:00 / 18:00 2.11 Tue 13:00 / 18:00 2.12 Wed 19:00 2.13 Thu 14:00 2.14 Fri 19:00 2.15 Sat 14:00 / 19:00 2.16 Sun 14:00 上演時間Run Time 115分115 min *[2月6日(木)・7(金)]の回終演後、平田オリザによるポストパフォーマンストークを開催いたします。
2.8 Sat 14:00 2.9 Sun 13:00 / 18:00 2.11 Tue 13:00 / 18:00 2.12 Wed 19:00 2.13 Thu 14:00 2.14 Fri 19:00 2.15 Sat 14:00 / 19:00 2.16 Sun 14:00 上演時間Run Time 115分115 min *Post-performance talk with Oriza Hirata will be held after the performances on [2. 6 and 2. 7].
*Please note that on 2.11 (Tuesday and national holiday) 13:00 and 18:00 performances, there will be a camera recording the show.
AudienceAdv General¥4,000
Youth (U-26) / Senior (O-65)¥3,000
High school student and below¥2,000
*The reception desk opens 60 minutes before the show starts and the theater opens 20 minutes before the show starts.
* “Youth (under 26 years old)”, “Senior (over 65 years old)” and “High school students and under” tickets are only bought through Seinendan, e+ and Lawson tickets. Please present your proof of identity or student ID at the reception on the day.
*Preschool children are not allowed to enter.
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: Complimentary script for “Tokyo Notes"
- 7ヶ国語上演(日本語・英語字幕あり)Performed in 7 languages (subtitled in Japanese and English)
台本翻訳協力:ソン・ギウン、サーウィター・ディティヨン、ロディ・ベラ、コディ・ポールトン、陳 彦君、ブライアリー・ロング
助成:文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(劇場・音楽堂機能強化推進事業)|独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会Script translation cooperation: SUNG KIWOONG, SAWITA DITEEYONT, RODY VERA, CODY POULTON, CHEN YEN-CHUN, BRYERLY LONG
Produced by Seinendan, Agora Planning LTD, Komaba Agora Theater
Organized by Agora Planning LTD, Komaba Agora Theater
Alliance: The Musashino Cultural Foundation
Supported by Toyooka City Board of Education
Supported by Kinosaki International Arts Center (Toyooka) , Co-Produced by the Japan Foundation Asia Center
Subsidized by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
Hirata and Seinendan’s masterpiece, Tokyo Notes, has been widely loved and performed as repertoire piece in all over the world. Every year since 2016, the adaptations of the piece such as Taipei Notes, Bangkok Notes, and Manila Notes, have been played in Taiwan, Thailand, and the Philippines respectively. This production of Tokyo Notes International version is the compilation of all these productions, casting actors from seven countries, portraying Tokyo in the near future which transformed into a multicultural city and the challenges that people may face then. Seven languages are spoken on the stage, exhibiting the ultimate form of multilingual "simultaneous multiple conversational theater”
平田オリザOriza Hirata
1962年東京生まれ。劇作家、演出家。こまばアゴラ劇場芸術総監督、劇団「青年団」主宰。 城崎国際アートセンター芸術監督、大阪大学特任教授、東京藝術大学特任教授。 2021年4月開学予定の兵庫県立の国際観光芸術専門職大学(仮称・開学設置構想中)学長候補。 1995年『東京ノート』で岸田國士戯曲賞受賞。2011年フランス文化通信省より芸術文化勲章シュヴァリエ受勲。
Born in Tokyo in 1962. Playwright, artistic director of Komaba Agora Theater, director and leader of Seinendan theater group. Artistic director of Kinosaki International Arts Center, specially appointed professor of Osaka University and also at the Tokyo University of the Arts. Awards includes the Kishida Prize for Drama for his play Tokyo Notes in 1995. Hirata received Chevalier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres, awarded by French Ministry of Culture.