蛸入道 忘却ノ儀Octopus Monks: Ritual of Forgetting


シアタートラムTheatre Tram
〒154-0004 東京都世田谷区太子堂4-1-1 Map4-1-1 Taishido, Setagaya, Tokyo 154-0004Map
2.15 Sat 19:00
2.16 Sun 15:00
上演時間Run Time 105分105 min

『蛸入道 忘却ノ儀』東京公演(シアタートラム)中止のお知らせ

先日、一般販売を延期とさせていただいた『蛸入道 忘却ノ儀』のシアタートラムでの公演に関して、中止とせざるをえなくなったことご報告いたします。
舞台美術に関して、劇場と共に尽力してきましたが、作品の上演のために必要な舞台美術において世田谷区の消防署の許可をとれず、苦渋の決断ではありますが、不完全な状態の作品を観客の皆様にお見せすることはできないと判 断し、東京公演の中止を決めました。


http://niwagekidan.org/ performance_jp/892

2.15 Sat 19:00
2.16 Sun 15:00
上演時間Run Time 105分105 min

This performance has been cancelled due to certain circumstances.




プレビュー公演(2.15 Sat 14:00)¥4,300


学生¥3,950 *要身分証提示・枚数限定





Adv General¥4,800

Preview performnace (2.15 Sat 14:00)¥4,300


Student¥3,950 *ID required / Limited number

High school student and below¥2,000


TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥300 dicount

日本語(英語字幕あり)Japanese (subtitled in English)

協力:ゲーテ・インスティトゥート 東京ドイツ文化センター

In co-operation with Goethe-Institut Tokyo,
Planning and Production by Niwa Gekidan Penino
Co-presented by Setagaya Public Theatre
Presented by Arche LLC.


An enormous temple has been constructed inside the theater. And in it, there are 8 monks. They chant Buddhist prayers, sing peculiar songs, and play mysterious music. Heat, light, smoke, scent, sound, voice, and vibration. All these elements combine to generate a limit state that seems to envelop the entire crowd in its undulations. Consciousness, memory, and worldly desires are incinerated, consigned to oblivion. In this performance, Niwa Gekidan Penino presents a never before seen type of music theater that emphasizes merging and immersion. In a theatrical space of monumental proportions, audience members become witnesses to the transcendent.

Translated by Christopher Gregory

タニノクロウ Kuro Tanino

1976年富山県出身。庭劇団ペニノの主宰、座付劇作家・演出家。セゾン文化財団シニアフェロー(2015 年まで)。2000年医学部在学中に庭劇団ペニノ旗揚げ。以降全作品の脚本・演出を手掛ける。国内外の主要な演劇祭に多数招聘。2016年『地獄谷温泉 無明ノ宿』にて第60回岸田國士戯曲賞受賞。2016年北日本新聞芸術選奨受賞、第71回文化庁芸術祭優秀賞受賞。2019年第36回とやま賞文化・芸術部門受賞。
Born in 1976 in Toyama Prefecture, Kuro Tanino is the artistic director of Niwa Gekidan Penino as well as resident playwright and director. He was a Saison Foundation Senior Fellow until 2015. After launching Niwa Gekidan Penino while still a medical student in 2000, he has since written and directed all the company’s plays. He has received invitations to festivals around the world. He premiered Käfig aus Wasser in March 2015 in Germany, while Avidya: No Lights Inn won the Kishida Kunio Drama Award in 2016. Kita Nippon Shinbun Art Award in 2016, Cultural Affairs Agency Arts Festival Excellence Award in 2016 and Toyama Prize in Arts and Culture in 2019.