nothing’s for somethingnothing’s for something
fieldworks / ハイネ・アヴダル & 篠崎由紀子fieldworks / Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki
- KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 ホールKAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre, Hall
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町281Map281 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama 231-0023 Map
2.9 Sun 17:30 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min 2.9 Sun 17:30 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min
Adv & Door¥3,500
製作:Heine Avdal (オスロ), fieldworks (ブリュッセル)
共同製作:Kaaitheater (ブリュッセル), APAP Network, BUDA (コルトレイク), BIT-Teatergarasjen (ベルゲン), STUK (ルーヴェン)
製作協力:WP Zimmer (アントワープ), Netwerk (アールスト), Vooruit (ゲント), MDT (ストックホルム), Black Box teater (オスロ), Teaterhuset Avantgarden (トロンハイム), INKONST (マルメ)
協力:Anne-Catherine Kunz, 佐川樹子, Sara Jansen, David Pledger – Dance Massive festival (メルボルン), Urszula Dawkins
助成:Flanders, VGC, Norsk Kulturråd, Fond For Lyd og Bilde, Fond for Utøvende Kunstnere
ツアー助成:Performing Arts Hub Norway
コンセプト・演出:Heine Avdal, 篠崎由紀子
出演:Heine Avdal, Indrid Haakstad, 篠崎由紀子, Oleg Soulimenko
初演創作・出演:Heine Avdal, 社本多加, 篠崎由紀子, Oleg Soulimenko
照明・技術監督:Hans Meijer
音響・エレクトロニクス:Fabrice Moinet
ドローイング・グラフィクス:Brynjar Åbel Bandlien, Christelle Fillod
ドラマトゥルギー:Marianne Van Kerkhoven
エレクトロニクス・アシスタント:Matthieu Virot, Johann Loiseau
技術協力:Culture Crew
fieldworksによる公演『unannounced』(2.13-15)、『unwritten conversation』(2.16)の情報はこちら
Produced by: Heine Avdal (Oslo), fieldworks (Brussels)
Co-produced by: Kaaitheater (Brussels), APAP Network, BUDA (Kortrijk), BIT-Teatergarasjen (Bergen), STUK (Leuven)
In collaboration with: WP Zimmer (Antwerp), Netwerk (Aalst), Vooruit (Ghent), MDT (Stockholm), Black Box teater (Oslo), Teaterhuset Avantgarden (Trondheim), INKONST (Malmø)
With thanks to: Anne-Catherine Kunz, Mikiko Sagawa, Sara Jansen, David Pledger – Dance Massive festival (Melbourne), Urszula Dawkins
Funded by: Flanders, VGC, Norsk Kulturråd, Fond For Lyd og Bilde, Fond for Utøvende Kunstnere
Supported by: Performing Arts Hub Norway
Special thanks: Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo
Concept and direction: Heine Avdal, Yukiko Shinozaki
Performed by: Heine Avdal, Indrid Haakstad, Yukiko Shinozaki, Oleg Soulimenko
Originally created and performed by: Heine Avdal, Taka Shamoto, Yukiko Shinozaki, Oleg Soulimenko
Lighting design and technical direction: Hans Meijer
Sound design and electronics: Fabrice Moinet
Drawings and graphics: Brynjar Åbel Bandlien, Christelle Fillod
Dramaturgy: Marianne Van Kerkhoven
Creative assistant: Saori Miyazawa
Assistant electronics: Matthieu Virot, Johann Loiseau
Technical support: Culture Crew
Technical coordinator: Ryoya Fudetani
Find information about fieldworks’ performances unannounced (2.13-15) and unwritten conversation (2.16)
横浜の稼働中のオフィス、住宅展示場、ショッピングモール、東京のスパイラル全館をスリリングな異化の起こるパフォーマンス空間に変容させたサイト・スペシフィック・コラボレーション『Field Works – office』(2011)、『横浜借景』(2011〜2012)、『「distant voices – carry on」~青山借景』(2015)を経て、fieldworks / ハイネ・アヴダル & 篠崎由紀子がオリジナルのプロダクションを日本で初めて発表します。
『nothing’s for something』は、劇場外のさまざまな場所でのサイト・スペシフィック・ワークを通して彼らが確立した、ダンサーの身体とパフォーマンスのあらゆる現動的/潜勢的要素への非階層的なアプローチを、空っぽの「非=場所」としての劇場空間に適用した作品です。
After collaborative site-specific projects with Japanese artists that transformed an operating office, a model home and a shopping mall in Yokohama (2011–2012) and the whole building of Spiral in Tokyo (2015) into thrillingly defamiliarizing performative spaces, Heine Avdal and Yukiko Shinozaki come back to Japan with their original productions.
nothing’s for something was created applying their non-hierarchical approach towards the dancer’s body and all the other actual and potential elements of performance, which Avdal and Shinozaki had developed in site-specific works at non-theatre places, to the theatre space as an empty “non-place.”
The choreography of the body, objects, drawings, sound and light explores the “affects” that exist between the body and what surrounds it, and articulates the transitions of space and time from one “state of being” to another, questioning the assumption of “originality” of motives, and aspiring to make the invisible visible.
fieldworks / ハイネ・アヴダル & 篠崎由紀子(ブリュッセル/オスロ/東京)fieldworks / Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki (Brussels/Oslo/Tokyo)
Avdal & Shinozaki are concerned with “performativity.” Their work allows for an open interpretation of movement as a heterogeneous combination of a variety of media. The artists draw on a broad range of disciplines and expertise: performance, dance, visual arts, video, music, and technology. Every performance plays on the tension and contrast between the body and objects, fiction and non-fiction, the tangible and the invisible, the organic and the artificial. Their productions include the exploration of the relationship between audience and performers, the non-hierarchical approach to the various elements of performance, and the exploration of both theatrical and non-theatrical environments.

Photo by Heine Avdal