No. 60No. 60
ピチェ・クランチェンPichet Klunchun
- KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 ホールKAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre, Hall
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町281Map281 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama 231-0023 Map
2.15 Sat 19:00 2.16 Sun 13:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min 2.15 Sat 19:00 2.16 Sun 13:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min
Adv & Door¥3,500
委嘱・共同製作:Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay (シンガポール)
共同製作:TPAM – 国際舞台芸術ミーティング in 横浜、台北舞台芸術センター
芸術監督・振付・出演:Pichet Klunchun
出演:Kornkarn Rungsawang
CGアーティスト:Jaturakorn Pinpech
音楽/音響デザイン:Zai Tang
照明デザイン:Jui Hsuan Tseng
ドラマトゥルク:Tang Fu Kuen
プロデューサー/カンパニー・マネージャー:Sojirat Singholka
プロダクション・マネージャー:Cindy Yeong
Commissioned and co-produced by Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay, Singapore
Co-produced by TPAM – Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama and Taipei Performing Arts Center
Artistic director, choreographer & dancer: Pichet Klunchun
Dancer: Kornkarn Rungsawang
CG artist: Jaturakorn Pinpech
Music / sound designer: Zai Tang
Lighting designer: Jui Hsuan Tseng
Dramaturge: Tang Fu Kuen
Producer / company manager: Sojirat Singholka
Production manager: Cindy Yeong
ピチェ・クランチェンの振付実践の原動力は、伝統の体制からの解放を求め、ネゴシエーションを通してそれを実現しようとすることにあります。新作デュオ『No. 60』で、彼はタイ古典舞踊のあらゆるダンサーが学ばなければならない「テーパノン」と呼ばれる59のポーズ/動きを克明に検証し、それを解き明かします。そして、その後には何が到来するのか。それは、それと分かるダンスの動きや身体訓練のルーティンではなく、古典舞踊のシステムを支え強化する新しい思想と原理です。
『No. 60』は、2019年10月にワーク・イン・プログレスとしてシンガポールのEsplanade – Theatres on the Bayで上演され、TPAM2020での世界初演を経て、2020年にda:ns festivalと台北芸術祭(台北舞台芸術センター)で上演されます。
The impulse of Pichet Klunchun’s choreographic practice is searching and negotiating freedom from the regime of tradition. In the new duet No. 60, Pichet astutely examines and illuminates upon the Thai dance canon of Theppanom which consists of 59 core poses and movements that all Thai classical dancers need to master. Pichet speculates on what could come after: not a tangible dance movement or physical routine but a set of new philosophy and principles that undergird the classical dance system.
Such a critical toolbox enables every dancer the liberty of thought and body to create his/her own individual movements. Accompanied by live music, Pichet and dancer Kornkarn bring us on an exuberant journey that hails the moving body freed of ideological impositions and reveals its corporeal passage from court culture to folk vernacular, and the global present.
No. 60 was first presented as a work-in-progress in October 2019 at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay in Singapore, as part of da:ns festival. The world premiere of No. 60 will take place at TPAM2020, with later presentations at da:ns festival and Taipei Arts Festival (Taipei Performing Arts Center) in 2020.
ピチェ・クランチェン(バンコク)Pichet Klunchun (Bangkok)
Pichet Klunchun bridges traditional Thai classical dance language with contemporary sensibility, while keeping the heart and wisdom of the convention. Pichet has earned domestic notoriety for his efforts in contemporising Khon and participated in international performing arts festivals in North America, Asia and Europe. He founded Pichet Klunchun Dance Company in order to create pure art performance and to train young-blood professional dancers with strong Thai classical dance backgrounds.

Photo by Chanathip Keawsuk for DONT magazine