Invisible ThingsInvisible Things
2.13 Thu 15:00 / 20:30 2.14 Fri 11:00 / 20:00 2.15 Sat 11:00 / 16:00 2.16 Sun 19:00 上演時間Run Time 約90分approx. 90 min 追加公演あり
2.16 Sun 19:002.13 Thu 15:00 / 20:30 2.14 Fri 11:00 / 20:00 2.15 Sat 11:00 / 16:00 2.16 Sun 19:00 上演時間Run Time 約90分approx. 90 min Additional performance on 2.16 Sun 19:00
前売学生¥2,500 *要学生証提示・限定枚数
AudienceAdv General¥2,800
Adv Student¥2,500 *ID required / Limited number
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: plus one drink
- 日本語・英語Japanese and English
Organized by FujiyamaAnnette
冨士山アネットが送る、「見えない事」にまつわる作品集。世界を取巻く”Tolerance/Intolerance 寛容さ/不寛容さ” に私達は今どう立ち向かう(或いは立ち向かわない)のか。イマーシブな体験の中求められるのは、あなたの選択。「信じる」「疑う」あなたはどちら側の人間ですか?
FujiyamaAnnette presents a series of works themed on invisibility. How do we now confront the "Tolerance/Intolerance" spreading across the world (or do we decide not to)? It is your decision that this immersive experience demands. "Believe" "Doubt" Which side are you on?
2003年長谷川寧により設立。作品毎にクリエイターを集め公演を行う。近年では他ジャンルとのコラボレーションを通じて作品の本質を見詰め直す「疑・ジャンル」をテーマとし様々な活動を行う。代表の長谷川寧も17年ベルリンTheatertreffen International Forum招聘、18年急な坂スタジオ・サポートアーティスト採択の他、19年台北國際藝術村での滞在制作等、国内外にて活躍中。
founded by Ney Hasegawa in 2003, FujiyamaAnnette brings together a new collective of creators on each work. In recent years, the company has casted methodic doubts on the genre ‘Performing Arts' to refine the essence of art, in collaborations with other genres.
In recent years, the company performed in Beijing, Sao Paulo, Jakarta and more.
Ney Hasegawa, He was participates in Theatertreffen's International Forum(Berlin/2017), Steep Slope Studio support artist(Yokohama/2018), A RANSPACE Musical [Into the White Night](Shanghai/2018),TAIPEI ARTIST VILLAGE residency artist(TAIPEI/2019).He has been eager to work for both domestic and international scenes.