傾斜 -Heaven & Hell-INCLINATION -Heaven & Hell-

OM-2 × 柴田恵美OM-2 × Emi Shibata

〒116-0014 東京都荒川区東日暮里5-50-5 ホテルラングウッド4FMapHotel Lungwood 4F, 5-50-5 Higashi Nippori, Arakawa, Tokyo 116-0014Map
2.14 Fri 19:15
2.15 Sat 19:15
2.16 Sun 15:15
上演時間Run Time 約90分approx. 90 min
2.14 Fri 19:15
2.15 Sat 19:15
2.16 Sun 15:15
上演時間Run Time 約90分approx. 90 min



前売学生¥2,200 *要学生証提示

当日学生¥2,700 *要学生証提示


学生ペア割¥3,200円 *要学生証提示




Adv General¥3,200

Door General¥3,700

Adv Student ¥2,200 *ID required

Door Student ¥2,700 *ID required

Pair ticket ¥5,000

Pair student ticket¥3,200 *ID required

2 performance collaboration ticket (Adv & Door)¥4,500




Planned and organized by OM-2

常識を疑い、自由な身体を志向しその奥底へと探求し続ける「OM-2」と、 溢れて止まない集中力で独創的な身体を表出する「柴田恵美」グループが初の共演。 そこに出現するのは衝突、それとも溶解…。 パフォーマンスの新たな地平が生まれる。

This is the first ever collaboration between OM-2 and the Emi Shibata Group. OM-2 questions conventions, striving to portray and explore every aspect of bodies that are fully liberated. Emi Shibata's work harnesses inexhaustible focus to portray bodies that are original and imaginative. In this piece, their two styles will collide, or maybe even fuse together. Be sure to check out this collaboration that has the potential to create new horizons of performance.

Translated by Christopher Gregory


Discarding the traditional pyramid theater where the director is at its apex, cast, director, staff stands on the same plane to group-create its pieces. Also discarding the theatrical rules and promises, weaves the performance from solo compositions based on personal ways of living, of being. There is no theme or story there, but a display of fight using one's own body as its weapon against the "capital" which restricts the true human freedom. Invited from many festivals worldwide such as Europe, USA, Asia and Africa, as well as internal organizations.