ハンド・シャドウズ・アニマーレHand Shadows ANIMARE
劇団かかし座Shadow Play Theatre KAKASHIZA
- 横浜人形の家 あかいくつ劇場Yokohama Doll Museum Akaikutsu (Red Shoes) Theatre
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町18Map18 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0023Map
2.11 Tue 11:00 / 14:00 2.12 Wed 16:30 / 19:00 上演時間Run Time 50分50 min 2.11 Tue 11:00 / 14:00 2.12 Wed 16:30 / 19:00 上演時間Run Time 50分50 min
General (Adv & Door)¥2,500
U-12 (Adv & Door)¥1,500
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
- 日本語・英語Japanese and English
共催:横浜人形の家Planned and organized by Shadow Play Theatre KAKASHIZA
光と影を操る美しい映像、人の手が紡ぎ出す様々な生き物たちのシルエット。子供の頃、誰しもが一度は遊んだ記憶を持つ“手影絵”をさらに発展させ、作り上げた作品が、劇団かかし座が贈る『Hand Shadows ANIMARE』です。パフォーマーの素手と身体のみで繰り広げる、ユーモア溢れるストーリー、影に命が吹き込まれる瞬間、誰も見たことのないステージが始まります…。昨年に引き続きリニューアル再登場!
Beautiful images are manipulated by lights and shadows, and various silhouettes of animals are woven up by acrobatic hands. Surely, everyone has a memory of playing with “hand shadow” at least once. Yet, we have advanced and developed the hand shadows into a higher performative technique. We, KAKASHIZA present the piece named “Hand Shadows ANIMARE” in this show, hand shadow animals portray a loving story full of humor. You may be surprised by the fact that the animals are consisted by only performers’ bare hands and bodies.Following last year, it is renewed and reappears!!