東京タンバリンわのわTokyo Tambourine Wa no Wa project
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町1番地 シルクセンター内1FMapSilk Center 1F, 1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0023Map
2.8 Sat 12:30 / 16:00 2.9 Sun 12:30 / 16:00 上演時間Run Time 80分80 min 2.8 Sat 12:30 / 16:00 2.9 Sun 12:30 / 16:00 上演時間Run Time 80分80 min
Kimono Discount (Audience wearing kimono) ¥1,000 discount
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,000 discount from general ticket
- 日本語(英語字幕あり)Japanese (subtitled in English)
Planned and organized by TokyoTambourine
ものがたり: 茶道教室に通う人たちの物語。 先生は未婚でイケメン。人気の先生で最近では雑誌などに載るほど。 この日は普段の稽古場ではない場所での稽古。 稽古前に話があるから早めに来てくれと先生に言われ、自分だけだと思って来る、さくら、あかね、いぶき。
The story of the people who go to the tea ceremony classroom. The professor is unmarried and handsome. He is a popular teacher and recently he appears in magazines etc. On this day, practicing in places that is not a usual practice place. Because there is a talk before practicing, the teacher told them to come early. They thought it was only me, Sakura, Akane, Ibuki.
東京タンバリン わのわTokyo Tambourine Wa no Wa
The company was founded around productions written and directed by Hiroko Takai. The plays explore the melancholy in people today through ordinary conversation and creates stories that can “only be expressed through the theater” presented with a distinct directorial style. Wa* no Wa: Circle of Harmony. Widening our circle with harmony as our motif that is the aim of Tokyo Tambourine. We would love to invite them to casually don a kimono and come out to enjoy our world of harmony. The masterpiece, Thank you for Making Tea, was performed at "Maison de la culuture du japon a Paris" in the fall of 2019, and it ended with great success.