- 〒231-0045 横浜市中区伊勢佐木町1-3-1 伊勢ビル地下1FMapIse Bldg. B1F, 1-3-1 Isezaki-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0045 Map
2.15 Sat 17:00 / 21:30 2.16 Sun 18:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min 2.15 Sat 17:00 / 21:30 2.16 Sun 18:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
- 日本語(英語要約配布あり)Japanese (English synopsis provided)
Organized by gallop
"WAR IS PEACE! FREEDOM IS SLAVERY! IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH!" This performance is developed from the novel “1984” by George Orwell. Despite the profound and serious motif, gallop performs in a humorous and surrealistic atmosphere. During the performance, various keywords come across in the audience's mind, such as, surveillance and secret, censorship and freedom, love and hate, language and thought, presence and absence, ...etc. Relating to the real modern world, the performance tries to identify what kind of power governs our daily lives, and to show how we can resist it.
2008年結成。京都造形芸術大学 映像・舞台芸術学科出身でそれぞれ独自の活動を繰り広げるメンバー全員が共同演出・出演を行うパフォーマンス・グループ。物語に即したシーン展開ではなく、パフォーマーのリアルな身体や言語から抽出したイメージや断片をパッチワークのようにつぎはぎし構成する。言葉と身体とヴィジュアル表現を駆使し、創作の方法論と感性を互いに触発させ、まだ見ぬ新たな表現領域の開拓を目指す。
Found in 2008. A performance group "gallop" is an artist collective. They co-directs their piece by all members, and at the same time, they all act as a performer. The members graduated from the Kyoto University of Art and Design, the Department of Visual and Performing Arts, and afterward, each of them were very active in their own field. Their piece doesn't have any articulated stories. They weave, like patchwork, various images and fragments extracted from the performer's real body and language. "gallop" aims to cultivate new expression field that we have never seen before, inspiring each other with the methodology and sensitivity of creation.