dim voices 3dim voices 3
- 七針Nanahari
- 〒104-0033 東京都中央区新川2-7-1 オリエンタルビル地下MapOriental Bldg. B1F, 2-7-1 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033Map
2.14 Fri 19:30 2.15 Sat 14:00 / 19:30 2.16 Sun 13:00 / 18:00 上演時間Run Time 約70分appox. 70 min 2.14 Fri 19:30 2.15 Sat 14:00 / 19:30 2.16 Sun 13:00 / 18:00 上演時間Run Time 約70分appox. 70 min
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
- 日本語(英語字幕もしくは英語資料配布予定)Japanese(subtitled in English or English synopsis provided)
One day, you left forever. But the traces of your image linger here, still. Author Marguerite Duras cast a persistent and loving gaze upon the the men she encountered. This piece draws on "L'homme atlantique" by Duras as a source text, and it depicts someone's absence through the acts of seeing and narrating. This performance is also, in itself, a theory of theater.
2014年結成。古今東西の戯曲や小説を中心に上演する。ドラマに縛られない自由な発想でテクストを再構成し、観る者の「イメージの記憶」を呼び起こす。現代社会では耳に届かないかすかな声を浮かび上がらせることをテーマにした、”dim voices”シリーズを創作。ほの暗い灯りのもと、ゆっくりとした呼吸で言葉を紡ぎ、能や絵画のよう、とも評される。2019年、InToXi演劇祭(韓国仁川広域市)に招聘される。
Formed in 2014. Stages modern and classical texts from world literature, performing both dramatic texts and adaptations of novels. Reconstructs texts with a free-form approach that is not bound by traditional dramatic conventions, evoking imagistic memory from within the viewer. Created the "dim voices" series, which aims to pick up and listen to voices that are not heard by modern society. nanado has been praised for weaving words together as if breathing slowly at the foot of a dim light, creating images that recall Noh theater or a painting. Invited to the InToXi Theater Festival in Incheon, Korea in 2019.