思考する身体A Thinking Body
パドミニ・チェターPadmini Chettur
2.13 Thu 16:30 - 18:30 上演時間Run Time 90分 + Q&A30分90 min + Q&A 30 min 2.13 Thu 16:30 - 18:30 上演時間Run Time 90分 + Q&A30分90 min + Q&A 30 min
*『哲学的実演 1&2』のチケットをお持ちの方は無料でご入場いただけます。会場受付でチケットまたはQRコード(Peatix)をご提示ください。
*Admission included in the ticket for Philosophical Enactment 1&2. Please show the ticket or QR code (Peatix) at the door.
- 英語(日本語同時通訳あり)English with Japanese simultaneous interpretation
In this lecture, Padmini Chettur retraces the source of her decade dance training with Chandralekha that informs her own choreographic practice, discerning the core idea of a thinking body in the work of Chandralekha’s and her own; relating the divergence and differences. It is a practice rooted in the reclaiming of the body as potent articulation of one’s self embedded in the critical reading about time and space one lives in. The encounter reveals an artistic connection and continuing, entangled corporeal discourse in how dancing is enunciated within each choreographic parameters.
Chandralekha (1928-2006) is known for her distinct choreography infused by her radical reworking of Indian dance and physical traditions of bharatanatyam, yoga and kalaripayattu. Many of her choreographic works, notably Angika, Lilavati, Prana, Sri, Yantra, Mahakal, Raga, Sloka and Sharira, are regarded the exemplars of modern Indian dance in which she reclaimed the body dignity manifest in the indivisibility of sexuality, sensuality and spirituality. She was also a poet and graphic designer of distinction who was known for her activism.
パドミニ・チェター(チェンナイ)Padmini Chettur (Chennai)
Padmini began her contemporary dance career in 1990 with Chandralekha (1928–2006), a radical modernist who deconstructed the form of Indian classical dance Bharatanatyam. Breaking away from her work in 2001 and deriving vocabularies from phenomenology, cultural studies, insect movements, astronomy, physiotherapy and sport, Padmini’s practice has shifted the choreographic tradition to a minimal language that visually translates concepts of time and space as they relate to contemporary experience.

Photo by Ranjani Bharat