祈りの素描A Sketch of Prayers
few phew purfew phew pur
2.13 Thu 17:00 - 21:00 2.14 Fri 17:00 - 21:00 2.15 Sat 15:00 - 21:00 2.16 Sun 15:00 - 19:00 上演時間Run Time 45分45 min *開演中はいつご来場くださっても構いません。
*一度ご入場頂いたら、当日内は再入場が可能です。2.13 Thu 17:00 - 21:00 2.14 Fri 17:00 - 21:00 2.15 Sat 15:00 - 21:00 2.16 Sun 15:00 - 19:00 上演時間Run Time 45分45 min *You can enter at any time during the opening hours.
*Re-entry is unlimited only today.
AudienceAdv & Door¥1,000
Please send 1) your name 2) performance date and time 3) number of tickets and 4) your email addree to fewphewpur@gmail.com.
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
- 日本語(英語翻訳あり)Japanese (English synopsis provided)
Supported by Arts Commission Yokohama
ー When I was little, my mother was chanting two different mantras as she believed in two different religions. ‘Why do people believe in and pray to something?’ The question starts spinning in my head every time when I think of her. “Prayer”; To trace the invisible outline of it. To touch what is beyond my question. ー Reiko Takayama has been creating pieces to expand the effective domain of theatre. The end of the audience's life has been presented in Ghost Writer. The theatre of architecture was realized in Heights Takayama. Her new piece about prayer and faith is created and presented by her collective.
few phew purfew phew pur
few phew pur/高山玲子(アーティスト・俳優)の前作『ハイツ高山』(2019)に参加した制作メンバー、前澤秀登(写真家・他)、新美太基(エンジニア)、一野篤(デザイナー)の4人により結成されたアート・コレクティブ。few phew pur と書いて、フュー ヒュー ピューと読みます。
"few phew pur" is Art Collective founded by Reiko Takayama (Artist/Actress), Hideto Maezawa (Photographer), Taiki Niimi (Engineer) and Atsushi Ichino: the creative members of “Heights Takayama” (2019).